An Ethereum 2 distributed remote keymanager, focused on security and long-term performance of signing operations.
Binaries for the latest version of dirk
can be obtained from the releases page.
You can obtain the latest version of dirk
using docker with:
docker pull attestant/dirk
is a standard Go module which can be installed with:
go get
provides an interface to wallet operations such as listing accounts and signing requests. The daemon provides a number of security measures to avoid unauthorised uses of the private keys, and protection against invalid actions (e.g. slashing events).
Although dirk
can work with a single instance, it is best used with multiple instances and distributed keys. Multiple instances allow high levels of resiliency and maintainability, providing a safer operating environment.
is designed to "front load" expensive operations, providing an initial period on startup where signing operations may be slower whilst it caches information such as the presence (or not) of particular accounts. One consequence of this is that dirk
does not attempt to rescan its wallets for new keys created externally (although new distributed accounts are acknowledged as they are created by dirk
The following documentation is available:
- Getting started an introduction to configuring Dirk
- Distributed key generation setting up multiple instances of Dirk to carry out distributed key generation
- Prometheus metrics Prometheus metrics
- Configuration Sample annotated configuration file
- Permissions Detailed information about Dirk's permissions
- Slashing protection interchange importing and exporting slashing protection data
Jim McDonald: @mcdee.
Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.
Apache-2.0 © 2020 Attestant Limited.