Implemented by: Plipus Tel
Is a linear data structure in which insertion and deletion are allowed only at the top of stack (or at the end). Stack follows LIFO (Last In First Out) rule. Just like in real world stack data structure could be the stack of books, stack of coins, stack of money, stack of discs, etc. Common operations: push(), peek(), isEmpty(), getSize(), isFull()
- pop():
O(1) complexity
- peek()
O(1) complexity
- push()
0(1) complexity
- searching()
0(n) complexity
- size()
0(1) complexity
Stack implementation will use the array as data structure (could also linked list, etc), with the stack rules:
- 1. Define first the length of stack 'L'
- 2. Define an arrayStack with the size 'L'
- 3. Define the TopIndex < 0 which fall in -1
- 4. Operations:
- push( element):
a. check first if arrayStack is empty
if not empty then
pre-increment the TopIndex, to make sure it self increment (increment immediately)
arrStack[++TopIndex] = ItemOR
arrStack[TopIndex++] = Item
TopIndex = TopIndex + 1;else then
Abort - pop():
a. check first if arrayStack is empty
if not empty then
decrease the index
else then
Abort - isEmpty():
Check if the TopIndex is equal to -1 (TopIndex == -1 ? True : False) - isFull():
Check if TopIndex == ArrayStackSize - 1 ? True : False
- push( element):
- Nested brackets/braces expression checker
- code parsing
- folder directories path
- compiler syntax
- checking for bracket and braces
- copy paste undo
- Depth First Search (DFS) etc..