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The Myanmar new year festival (the water festival) is called the Thingyan.

This package focus on calculate information of thingyan festival days and times , that can be use in morden javascript runtimes.The function named thingyan , that generate the following from a Myanmar(Burmese) year.

  1. AkyaDayTime: string;
  2. AkyatDay: string;
  3. AkyatDay2: string;
  4. AkyoDay: string;
  5. AtatDayTime: string;
  6. NewYearDay: string;
  7. YearFrom: number;
  8. YearTo: number;

Live Thingyan Calculator :

API Docs :

Install and Usage


Import function thingyan from:

<script type="module">
  import { thingyan } from "";
  const my = 1386; // Myanmar Year

<script type="module">
  import { thingyan } from "[email protected]";
  const my = 1386; // Myanmar Year

Node ( npm registry )

npm i thingyan
yarn  add thingyan
pnpm i thingyan
import { type ThinGyan,  thingyan } from "thingyan";
const my: number = 1386; // Myanmar Year
const tg: ThinGyan = thingyan(my);

// Rest of code

Node ( jsr registry )

Before that read first Using JSR with Node.js.

npx jsr add @ptm/thingyan
yarn dlx jsr add @ptm/thingyan
pnpm dlx jsr add @ptm/thingyan
import * as mod from "@ptm/thingyan";
import { thingyan } from "@ptm/thingyan";
import { type ThinGyan } from "@ptm/thingyan";

const my: number = 1386; // Myanmar Year
const tg: ThinGyan = thingyan(my);

// Rest of code

API docs on jsr registry.

Deno ( jsr registry)

update deno to latest version to active add

deno add @ptm/thingyan

That will automatically be add @ptm/thingyan to deno.json.

  "imports": {
    "@ptm/thingyan": "jsr:@ptm/thingyan@^0.1.0",
    "std/": "[email protected]/"


import { type ThinGyan, thingyan } from "@ptm/thingyan";
const my = 1386; // Myanmar Year
const tg: ThinGyan = thingyan(my);
Deno.serve((_req: Request) => {
  const response = JSON.stringify(tg);

  return new Response(response, {
    status: 200,
    headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }),
deno run --allow-read --allow-net index.ts

Bun ( jsr registry)

bunx jsr add @ptm/thingyan

That will be add install scopes for JSR to bunfig.toml.

"@jsr" = ""

That will automatically be create package.json and add @ptm/thingyan.

{ "dependencies": { "@ptm/thingyan": "npm:@jsr/ptm__thingyan" } }


import { type ThinGyan, thingyan } from "@ptm/thingyan";
const my = 1386; // Myanmar Year
const tg: ThinGyan = thingyan(my);

  port: 3000,
  fetch() {
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(tg, null, 2), {
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
 bun --hot run http.ts

Cloudflare Workers ( npm registry )

yarn add thingyan


import { type ThinGyan, thingyan } from 'thingyan';
const my: number = 1386; // Myanmar Year
const tg: ThinGyan = thingyan(my);

export interface Env{


export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
		return new Response(JSON.stringify(tg, null, 2), {
			headers: {
				'Content-Type': 'application/json',


The algorithm and calculations of this package are base on Modern Myanmar Calendrical Calculations by Yan Naing Aye.