Lints your git repositories for inclusive language.
Follow these instructions to set up a GitHub Action that automatically lints incoming pull requests to your repository:
The GUI and the REST API are both accessible at these addresses (backed by the same free-tier instance):
You can self host DCI-lint by running the container image as shown below, after which you can access the GUI locally at http://localhost:3000
docker run --rm -e PORT=3000 -p 3000:3000
If you'd rather use the command line interface instead of the web interface, you can do so via the container as well:
docker \
run \
--rm \
node_modules/@dci-lint/cmd-api-server/dist/lib/main/typescript/cmd/dci-lint-cli.js \
lint-git-repo \
--request='{"cloneUrl": "", "targetPhrasePatterns": ["something-mean"]}'
After the project has been built ($ yarn configure
), the CLI can be invoked as follows:
node_modules/@dci-lint/cmd-api-server/dist/lib/main/typescript/cmd/dci-lint-cli.js \
lint-git-repo --request='{"cloneUrl": "", "targetPhrasePatterns": ["something-mean"], "checkoutArgs": ["v0.5.0"]}'
Running the command above will produce something like this printed to the standard out of your terminal:
"linterErrors": [],
"cloneUrl": "",
"outcome": "dci-lint.lint-git-repo-response.outcome.SUCCESS"
Notice how the --request
parameter takes the
exact same JSON that you'd normally send
through HTTP to the REST API. This is because
that's exactly what's happening behind the scenes:
The CLI just pulls up an API server and sends in
the one-off request specified and then shuts it down.
The exit code of the OS process itself depends on
whether the linter found any errors or not.
If there were no errors then the exit code is 0
otherwise it's 2
, indicating an issue.
To avoid the response being pretty-printed JSON, you can pass in the --pretty=false
flag via the CLI in addition to the --request='{...}'
parameter. This will cause the JSON output to be printed on a single line.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg NPM_PKG_VERSION=latest -f ./Dockerfile . -t dcil
One-off Linting Request via CLI arguments:
docker \
run \
--rm \
dcil \
node_modules/@dci-lint/cmd-api-server/dist/lib/main/typescript/cmd/dci-lint-cli.js \
lint-git-repo \
--request='{"cloneUrl": "", "targetPhrasePatterns": ["something-mean"]}'
Continuously Listen to Linting Requests via HTTP Server:
docker \
run \
--rm \
dcil \
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f ./src.Dockerfile . -t dcil
One-off Linting Request via CLI arguments:
docker \
run \
--rm \
dcil \
pkg/cmd-api-server/dist/lib/main/typescript/cmd/dci-lint-cli.js \
lint-git-repo \
--request='{"cloneUrl": "", "targetPhrasePatterns": ["something-mean"]}'
Continuously Listen to Linting Requests via HTTP Server:
docker \
run \
--rm \
--publish 3000:3000 \
--publish 4000:4000 \
dcil \
Is scarce.
Open an issue before working on a pull request to ensure proper alignment.
Make sure to install nodemon
globally if you'll be using the yarn watch
for automatic builds on source code changes.
You can find more information about why this is needed in the npm-watch package's documentation.
Dual licensed under Apahce-2.0
and MIT
(pick the one you like)