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The server part for the marketplace. Project in development.


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What is the "MyPlace" application

The server part for the marketplace.
You can organize your own platform.

! Project in development

Ready-made services:

  • Statistics (mp-stats) MongoDB reactive, Webflix, Mapstruct, Junit, Mockito, Swagger
    • The service has been tested by JUnit tests, working with the 'mp-stats-test' database, which is automatically cleared after the tests.
    • A collection of Postman tests is attached. Run on an empty database. I recommend starting the service with the 'test' profile, the work will be carried out with the 'mp-stats-test' test database, which you can delete before / after the tests to clear the data. Otherwise, the work will take place with the real base of 'mp-stats', then after the tests do not forget to clear the database.
  • Security (mp-security) JPA/Hibernate, Spring Security, PostgreSql, Redis, H2, Mapstruct, Swagger
    • Checking user registration and access rights by JWT.
    • A collection of Postman tests is attached. Run on an empty database with the 'test' profile. You can add marker profiles: test-confirmation-code-reading and test-mail-sender-bypassing to automatically read the registration confirmation code and to bypass the error if MAIL_SENDER is not specified yet, respectively.
  • Profile (mp-profile) JPA/Hibernate, Liquibase, PostgreSql, H2, Mapstruct, Swagger
    • The user profile service provides work with data: from the date of registration to the avatar.

    • It contains the Geo service — working with addresses.

    • Loading a preliminary set of geo-data: all countries; regions, districts, and cities of Russia; streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Balakovo.

    • Geo-data administration: Ability to import data from a CSV file with a loading report.

      Example of the uploaded file and the generated report, also in CSV format (see sample-file-to-import-geo.csv and sample-geo-data-load-report.csv).
      For convenience, a tabular representation is provided.
      The process ensures that duplicate entries are excluded, and the data is sorted sequentially by the following fields: Country,Region,District,City,Street,House.





      Testing in Postman

      By placing the file for testing the upload functionality in the correct local directory, the collection will operate as expected both locally and in the GitHub Workflow. This is recommended for convenient local testing. Alternatively, you can manually select the file for local testing directly within the test itself.

      Project Structure in GitHub:
        └── postman
            ├── MyPlace-mp-profile.postman_collection.json
            ├── MyPlace-mp-security.postman_collection.json
            ├── MyPlace-mp-stats.postman_collection.json
            └── data
                └── sample-file-to-import-geo.csv
      Local Structure:
        └── files
            └── postman
                └── data
                    └── sample-file-to-import-geo.csv

      ~/Postman/files — Postman working directory.
      ~/Postman/files/postman/data — Directory for files used to test API uploads.
      You can view or change the Postman working directory in Postman → Settings → General → Working Directory → Location.

Intended technologies:

  • Microservice architecture
  • Maven
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring Security
  • Tomcat, Netty
  • Kafka
  • JDBC, Hibernate
  • Liquibase
  • Postgresql, H2, MongoDB (reactive), Redis, Elasticsearch
  • Junit, Mockito
  • Docker-compose
  • Kubernetes

Open API

To visualize the specification, paste it into any Swagger editor. For example this one:

Service Swagger UI URL OpenAPI Docs URL Specification
mp-test localhost:9090/docs/swagger-ui.html localhost:9090/docs mp-stats-v-1-0-0.json
mp-security localhost:8078/docs/swagger-ui.html localhost:8078/docs mp-security-v-1-0-0.json
mp-profile localhost:8076/docs/swagger-ui.html localhost:8076/docs mp-profile-v-1-0-0.json

Running the Project

Make sure you have the following installed:

  • JDK 11
  • Apache Maven
  • Docker (version 19.03.0 or higher)
  • Docker Compose (version 1.28.0 or higher)

Note: Execute all commands from the project root.
For ease of use, a standard and an alternative option are provided using the script. This script is designed for use on Linux-based systems, including but not limited to Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and other distributions. The script is not intended to run on Windows or MacOS without additional tools, such as WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or proper environment configuration.

When running manually (not via scripts), use the appropriate command for your Docker Compose version:

  • Docker Compose V1: docker-compose
  • Docker Compose V2: docker compose

Container names are labeled by adding a suffix. By default, the suffix is 'std'. When running via a script, the suffix will be changed to 'prod', 'dev', or 'test', depending on the environment you are running. For manual execution, you can override the default label ('std') by specifying a value for the CONTAINER_MARK environment variable. Here is an example:
CONTAINER_MARK=my_label docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test.yml --profile full up

1. Build the Project

Build with tests before packaging. The following services must be installed and running:

  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
mvn clean package

Build without running tests

mvn clean package -DskipTests

If you want to completely skip the test compilation and not include them in the build, you can use:

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

2. Run the Project (profiles: test, develop, production)

For the production profile, fill in the corresponding environment variable files:

  • docker/stats/
  • docker/security/
  • docker/profile/

To run each profile, execute the following commands:
(including the healthcheck, so please wait)

Run with the `test` profile

test profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test.yml --profile full up


docker/ test up
Run with the `develop` profile

develop profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml --profile full up


docker/ dev up
Run with the `production` profile

production profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-prod.yml --profile full up


docker/ prod up

NOTE: In the standard setup (without using a script), you can specify an override file for docker-compose to set different values for services. This is useful for testing in a 'production' environment.

 docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-prod.yml -f docker/docker-compose-prod.override.yml --profile full up

Running services individually (examples with different profiles)

Run the `mp-stats` service

mp-stats service

test profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test.yml --profile stats up


docker/ test up stats

develop profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml --profile stats up


docker/ dev up stats

production profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-prod.yml --profile stats up


docker/ prod up stats
Run the `mp-security` service`

mp-security service

test profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test.yml --profile security up


docker/ test up security

develop profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml --profile security up


docker/ dev up security

production profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-prod.yml --profile security up


docker/ prod up security
Run the `mp-profile` service`

mp-profile service

test profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test.yml --profile profile up


docker/ test up profile

develop profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml --profile profile up


docker/ dev up profile

production profile

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-prod.yml --profile profile up


docker/ prod up profile


The server part for the marketplace. Project in development.







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