This repository is a collection of applications that was put together with the sole purpose of demonstrating the basic functionality of Google's Cloud to Device Messaging (c2dm). For more on the service, refer to
There are two applications, an Android app and a Django app. The django app was built with Django 1.2 on top of python 2.7.1 and the Android app using version 2.2 of the API. Refer to and for more on setting up those environments.
Aside from the exceptions below, these apps are pretty vanilla Android and Django configurations.
If you haven't already, you'll need to register your gmail or google apps address here:
Before running the Django application, rename pushprototypedjango/push/ to pushprototypedjango/push/
mv pushprototypedjango/push/ pushprototypedjango/push/
Modify the newly moved file and follow the directions. You'll need to run the following from the console in order to retrieve your authentication token (curl with ssl libraries required:
curl -k --data-urlencode [email protected] --data-urlencode Passwd=some_password -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=com.patrickbaumann.pushprototype -d service=ac2dm
The response will contain an SID, AUTH, and LSID:
SID=alsdjfa;ljsdf;lajsdlfj... AUTH=alsdjkfa;lskjdfl;asjd... LSID=asl;dfjalskdjflasjdfl...
Paste the AUTH line after the '=' into between the quotation marks.
In order to build the android application, you'll need to download and include the jars that are released as part of the Apache HttpClient libraries in your build path. You can download the latest libraries here:
Before building your Android app, copy res/values/settings.default.xml to res/values/settings.xml, delete the lines with "REMOVE THIS LINE" and replace the email in the file with the email address you registered for the c2dm service.
Once you've cloned the repository, navigate to the /c2dmprototype/pushprototypedjango directory and start a development server by running
python runserver
On your android phone or emulator with the official Google Android API 8 image, add a Google account to your phone via Settings -> Accounts & Sync -> Add Account -> Google. This is necessary in order to properly register the phone with the Google server.