We gotta take the study!
- Linux Kernel Labs
- Linux Kernel Exploitation
- Linux Malware
- Linux Kernel Module, Device Driver Programming by utilizing various subsystems for performance tuning
We gotta take the study!
Robot Framework real world example in C / C++
Multithreaded, libevent-based socket server.
pthreads is an execution model that exists independently from a language, as well as a parallel execution model. It allows a program to control multiple different flows of work that overlap in time…
C 1
『밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝』(한빛미디어, 2017), 『Deep Learning From Scratch』 (Hanbit media), Modern C++ ≥ 20 migration
C++ 1
Forked from Scalable-Key-Value/code
Source code of the Scalable Key/Value Store (SKV)
Forked from arturmkrtchyan/zero-copy
Zero copy in userland with Java and C