HDF Tools to post-process VERA output files
VERA stands for the "Virtual Environment for Reactor Analysis" and is a product of the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of LWR's (CASL). More information about CASL can be found at [http://www.casl.gov]
The latest version of this repository can be found at [https://github.com/palmtag/VERAout-tools]
This repository contains the following source files:
- Mod_hdftools.f90 - Wrapper routines for performing basic HDF functions
- hunittest.f90 - Simple program to perform unit tests
- makehdf.f90 - Simple program to create a sample VERAout file for testing
- mpactread.f90 - Simple program to read VERAout file created by MPACT
- ctfread.f90 - Simple program to read HDF output file created by CTF
- omcxs.f90 - Simple program to read HDF cross section file created by OpenMC
- omtally.f90 - Simple program to read HDF statepoint file created by OpenMC