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Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA
Program Committee Member for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, Europe, China & India 2023/2024.
A Software Engineer - R&D Team at JFrog working in a Installer team to build Kubernetes Operator for deployment and management of applications.
I’m also a Maintainer of a CNCF Incubating project LitmusChaos
Ref :
I am Maintainer/Reviewer for Repo:
- CodeOwner/Maintainer - Litmus-Python Repo - k8s python client based experiments
- Chaos Charts Repo - Charts for experiments and workflows
- Litmus Repo - External Agent
- operator Repo - K8s golang client based Probe Modification work
- litmus-go / scheduler / runner Repo - K8s golang client based experiments work
- litmus-e2e Repo - testing of experiments - K8s golang based cases
- test-tools Repo - Supportive libraries for other repos
- Tech Stack : Kubernetes, Docker, golang, python, react
I love Competitive programming, 4* at CodeChef my Profile.
Did a Research Internship at IIT Jammu(URIP) project where I worked on Question and Answer assessment using Natural Language Processing.
⚡ A Sporty guy International Rated Chess Player
- 💻 C++, golang, Python, C, JS, TS, Java
- 🌐 Kubernetes, K8s-Operators, Docker, Cloud, Controllers, k8s go/python clients, helm charts, Distribution AKS, EKS, GKE and all, NLP, Software Development, Back-End Web Development, Machine Learning and Psql DB.
- Speaker at Cloud Native London
- Speaker at Kubernetes Community Days Sri Lanka
- Speaker at Docker Community All Hands #6
- Speaker at Open Source Summit Latin America 2022
- Speaker at COSCUP x KCD Taiwan 2022
- Speaker at DevOps India meetup
- Speaker at Docker Community Meetup Bangalore
- Speaker at CNCF Container Garage #1 Conf
- Organiser/Speaker at ChaosCarnival 2021
- Speaker at Kubernetes community meet up
- Speaker at LitmusChaos Community meet up
- Speaker at KIIT Expo Conf 2021