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Operating Systems - Sistem Operasi |
## Last Report: W10 Rev: 30-Nov-2024 15:34 * [See Report](/Log/){:target="_blank"} * [Weekly Assignments]({:target="_blank"} * [HOW TO CONTACT the lecturer(s)](#idx01) * [SCELE]({{ site.urlscele }}){:target="_blank"} * [Schedule](#idx02) * [LINKS](#idx03) * [MORE LINKS](#idx04)
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- No Puss in Boots face{:target="_blank"}, please!
- Always introduce yourself! State your "GitHubAccount", "Student ID", "CPU," and "OS class".
- For assignment questions, use [SCELE]({{ site.urlscele }}){:target="_blank"}.
- For grading related questions, email (Subject:[OS]) rms46 (at) ui dot ac dot id
- For SCELE QUIZ (not POP QUIZ) grading appeal, email (Subject:[APPEAL]) amril dot syalim (at) cs dot ui dot ac dot id
- For any other business, or any permission, you should contact SEKRE directly:
- email sekreakademik (at) cs dot ui dot ac dot id
| 26-Aug-2024 | Week 00 | Overview 1, Virtualization & Scripting | Ch. 1, 2, 18. | | 02-Sep-2024 | Week 01 | Overview 2, Virtualization & Scripting | Ch. 1, 2, 18. | | 09-Sep-2024 | Week 02 | Security, Protection, Privacy, & C-language. | Ch. 16, 17. | | 18-Sep-2024 | Week 03 | File System & FUSE | Ch. 13, 14, 15. | | 25-Sep-2024 | Week 04 | Addressing, Shared Lib, & Pointer | Ch. 9. | | 02-Oct-2024 | Week 05 | Virtual Memory | Ch. 10. | | 22-Oct-2024 | MIDTERM | Room: A2.06 | 09:00-11:30 | | 23-Oct-2024 | Week 06 | Concurrency: Processes & Threads | Ch. 3, 4. | | 30-Oct-2024 | Week 07 | Synchronization & Deadlock | Ch. 6, 7, 8. | | 06-Nov-2024 | Week 08 | Scheduling + W06/W07 | Ch. 5. | | 13-Nov-2024 | Week 09 | Storage, Firmware, Bootloader, & Systemd | Ch. 11. | | 20-Nov-2024 | Week 10 | I/O & Programming | Ch. 12. | | 16-Dec-2024 | FINAL | Room: A2.06 | 09:00-11:30 |
- Operating System Concepts 10ed. Slides{:target="_blank"}
- Introduction to GNU/Linux{:target="_blank"} ---
Study some Command Lines, Editor, Regular Expression (regex), and String Processing.
- More GNU/Linux{:target="_blank"} --- There are too many "GNU/Linux" sites around, do your own GSGS!
- From Students for Students{:target="_blank"} --- Links from previous semesters.
- YouTube: OS Playlists{:target="_blank"}
| Last Report | CBKadal | FAQ | DoIt | Demos | Slides | OSP4DISS | Log Codes | | | | SLIDES | | WEEK00 | WEEK01 | WEEK02 | WEEK03 | | WEEK04 | WEEK05 | WEEK06 | WEEK07 | | WEEK08 | WEEK09 | WEEK10 | | | | EXAMS | | MIDTERM W00 | MIDTERM W01 | MIDTERM W02 | MIDTERM W03 | | MIDTERM W04 | MIDTERM W05 | FINAL W06 | FINAL W07 | | FINAL W08 | FINAL W09 | FINAL W10 | | EXAM 2010-2015 | EXAM 2002-2010 | | | | EXAM ANSWERS | | MIDTERM W05 2017-2 | MIDTERM FORK 2010/11 | | | | ETC | | OSC 10 | Slides | Bash | GitHub Template | | OS Kunyuk 1 | OS Kunyuk 2 |
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Laman ini berisi tautan-tautan seputar mata kuliah Sistem Operasi seperti bahan kuliah,
soal ujian, dan bahan laboratorium.
Situs ini dikelola oleh VauLSMorg (
sejak 2018.
Situs ini berbasis
"Google Sana, Google Sini, Coba Itu, Coba Ini, Lalu Tanya-tanyi" (GSGSCICILTT).
Entah ini PLAGIAT, entah ini RISET,
yang jelas tidak pernah ada klaim bahwa ini merupakan karya asli,
serta belum tentu pula merupakan solusi terbaik,
serta bukan untuk konsumsi Scopus :).
Mohon kiranya memberikan tanggapan,
terutama jika memiliki solusi alternatif.
Semoga catatan ini akan bermanfaat di masa mendatang,
saat sudah lupa cara menyelesaikan masalah trivia ini.