A small set of tools used for DevOps daily routines.
- AWS cli tools
- Gcloud cli tools
- Lego (for let’s encrypt certificates)
- RClone to copy stuff around
- Git/Curl/Wget/Ssh
- Ansible
- Kubectl
This image is easily integrated on CI systems, and comes packed with all tools required to delivery artifacts for several kind of projects.
Slack integration is built-in, just run slack
and configure your token with the
A simple message:
slack chat send 'Hello world!' '#channel'
slack chat send \
--actions '{"type": "button", "style": "primary", "text": "Pipeline Results", "url": "http://gitlab.com"}' \
--author 'author' \
--author-icon 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16995025?s=400&u=9b4085c7575c0b9a67aa6bdae224948891277fd5&v=4' \
--author-link 'https://github.com/opsxcq' \
--channel '#crypto' \
--color good \
--fields '{"title": "Environment", "value": "snapshot", "short": true}' \
--footer 'footer' \
--footer-icon 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/Octocat.png' \
--image 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/Octocat.png' \
--pretext 'pretext' \
--text 'text' \
--time 123456789 \
--title 'title' \
--title-link 'https://github.com/opsxcq'
slack file upload --file README.md --channels '#channel'
ls -al | slack file upload --channels '#channel'
slack file upload --file post.md --filetype post --title 'Post Title' --channels '#channel'