OBD implements the OmniBOLT specification, and it is an open source, off-chain decentralized platform, build upon BTC/OmniLayer network, implements basic multi hop HTLC payment, multi-currency atomic swap, and more off-chain contracts on the network of smart assets lightning channels.
To know how obd works, jump to the OmniBOLT - Architecture.
The latest features and ETA is here: OmniBOLT - Features and Roadmap.
Users can get quickly started with graphic or command line tools:
The graphic terminal is provided by Polar, and is customized for obd: Polar - GUI Terminal Customized.
Polar helps Lightning Network application developers quickly build networks locally on their computers. Here is a short video demo: https://twitter.com/omni_bolt/status/1549709303921410048?s=20&t=-M9Y4L0Bw_VialiSVPgqmA
Docker helps people to quickly interact with obd and omnicore via command line tools. OBD uses docker-compose
to package obd
, omnicored
, and btcd
together to make deploying these daemons easily. Please check the docker-compose.yml
config file for all the configurations under:
We compiled and deployed images for your testing:
- obd docker: ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/omnicore/ob-lnd:0.1.0
Now we can:
Using omnicore to issue tokens with fixed amount or manageable supply:
For example, use omni_sendissuancefixed
to issue 1000000
Quantum Miner
tokens on the Bitcoin mainchain:
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendissuancefixed" \
"3Ck2kEGLJtZw9ENj2tameMCtS3HB7uRar3" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Bitcoin Mining" \
"Quantum Miner" "" "" "1000000"
Please visit https://github.com/OmniLayer/omnicore/blob/master/src/omnicore/doc/rpc-api.md to learn how to use omnicore to manage tokens on-chain.
test-shell-template.md instructs how to start with command line tool to interact with obd, including:
- build a network with three nodes(Alice, Bob, Carol)
- generate address
- fund each node by assets
- open channels
- create invoices
- pay invoices
The testing asset id is --asset_id = 2147483651
To issue assets on the Bitcoin/Omnilayer mainnet, you should deploy an omnicore full node and execute the cli to mint. For non-developers, we recommend you to visit the official https://www.omniwallet.org/ (https://github.com/OmniLayer/omniwallet) for easier and quicker managing your assets.
The omnicore proxy offers the backend public anonymous omni/bitcoin services for obd nodes.
It is specified in the parameter omnicoreproxy.rpchost
when an OBD node starts. For example, as in the docker/lnd/start-a.sh, docker/obtest/docker-compose.yml
, the regnet.oblnd.top:18332
is where the proxy deployed:
command: >-
lnd-debug --noseedbackup --trickledelay=5000 --alias=alice
--externalip=alice --tlsextradomain=alice --tlsextradomain=alice
--listen= --rpclisten= --restlisten=
--bitcoin.active --bitcoin.regtest --bitcoin.node=omnicoreproxy
The proxy decouples the lightning node and the full Bitcoin/Omnilayer node, to lower the barriers of OBD deployment, especially for mobile nodes.
The complete white-listed services are: https://github.com/omnilaboratory/omnicore-proxy/blob/master/whitelist_proxy/whitelist_proxy.go.
OBD supports three networks: regtest, testnet and mainnet; Each network supports three backends: bitcoind, omnicore proxy, and neutrino. For a neutrino backend, an omnicore proxy must be specified.
The network is specified by param: --bitcoin.xxxxxx
The backend is specified by: --bitcoin.node=[bitcoind|omnicoreproxy|neutrino|]
(Currently, we only support these 3 modes, each has different connection type and certification method.)
- bitcoind
- omnicoreproxy
- neutrino
--neutrino.feeurl=https://nodes.lightning.computer/fees/v1/btc-fee-estimates.json #only mainnet
On each network, not all 3 backends are deployed. We currently maintain the following backends for the community:
- regtest: ~3 blocks per 2 minutes.
* omnicoreproxy
* Asia:
* neutrino
* Asia:
* neutrino.db downloading list: https://cache.oblnd.top/neutrino-regtest/
When downloading neutrino.db, add date to url to get correct file. For example: https://cache.oblnd.top/neutrino-regtest/neutrino.db?date=2022-12-22
* Put the downloaded database file under `${LNDIR}/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/`
- testnet ~1 blocks per 2 to 18 minutes.
* neutrino
* Asia:
token faucet:
token-property id: 2147485160
token-owner: mvd6r2KRoaMVr7Y9mDe8pDxe5a5iZLJHN9
* Other countries and regions:
token faucet:
token-property id: 2147485160
token-owner: mvd6r2KRoaMVr7Y9mDe8pDxe5a5iZLJHN9
* btc-testnet faucet: https://testnet-faucet.com/btc-testnet/
* neutrino.db downloading list: https://cache.oblnd.top/neutrino-testnet/
When downloading neutrino.db, add date to url to get correct file. For example: https://cache.oblnd.top/neutrino-testnet/neutrino.db?date=2022-12-22
* We generate database file at 8:00 UTC+8 every day.
* Put the downloaded database file under `${LNDIR}/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet/`
- mainnet to be done.
Liquidity nodes offer token/BTC inbound/outbound liquidity to users' nodes, especially for OBWallet mobile nodes.
- regtest: 0386790984cda19a179486bf45f7a1d7dc58964605b928e3d36cd7806ce3d31cdb@otest:9735
- testnet: 025767c2a772bb48f04117625c2da759d55d3e287c101602452c5228c975111594@
- mainnet: TO BE ADDED
Discord: http://discord.gg/2QYqzSMZuy
Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/omnibolt/shared_invite/zt-ad732myf-1G7lXpHPkFH_yRcilwT4Ig
Video tutorials can be found here:
OBD is still in an early stage, and sendToMany
in omnicore is still under development. We do not recommend running it on mainnet with real money just yet, which may lead to loss of funds unless you want to take a reckless adventure.
If you discover a vulnerability, weakness, or threat that can potentially compromise the security of obd, we ask you to keep it confidential and submit your concern directly to the team.