Text Recognition
A simple web app with MEAN stack for OCR using Tesseract API
A demo of showing the working can be found here: Video
This project was earlier Web Ocr but changes were made: removing redundancies and reducing file size
Used from WebOCR
- Binary file of tesseract
- frontend code
- api route '/api/ocr' code
- Angular js
- Bootstrap
- Node js
- Express js
- Tesseract Ocr
- Leptonica
- Node tesseract
- glob (node-tesseract)
- uuid (node-tesseract)
- multer (to process form data which is sent to upload images)
- fs (for deleting uploaded image files)
- jimp (to improve image contrast and greyscale for better readability)
Installing nodejs and npm
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Check whether installed correctly
npm -v
It should display a version number eg. $ 3.5.2
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/omkarprabhu-98/TxtRec.git
Move into the directory
cd txtrec
Install dependencies using
npm install
npm start
and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
To contibute to this project checkout: Contribute
The projects is dependent on the Tesseract API functions
- Best results come if a image of resolution atleast 300dpi is provided
- For better results tesseract converts the image to black and white which may go horribly wrong if the image has different lighting conditions in different parts
- Noise which is variations in color of image can result in lower accuracy
- Position of text in image if not horizontal is almost unreadable to tesseract