Rediseph is a real-time redis management tool. With tree-style key view, terminal, and more!!.
Still in beta. Do not use this tool if your data is sensitive!
Click and try it.
Rediseph can be downloaded from npm
Install global with npm
> npm i -g rediseph@latest
And just start it!
> rediseph
Clone the source code.
git clone
cd rediseph
npm run build
npm run start
- Angular 6 - Client Framework.
- express - server.
- ioredis - Awesome redis library for node.js.
- Ngrx - Client state management.
- Rxjs - Reactive Extensions for both server/client.
- - Socket library for node.js.
PR's are welcome except:
- Removing empty lines
- Fixing typos
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see npm.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the LICENSE file for details
Click that star button!
- Cleaning/Commenting code
- Tests
- Implement more commands to support for real-time engine.
- Implement Auth (JWT).
- Add Docker support.
- Add more todo.