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License Fortran fpm Build Status

Fortran bindings to SPERR - a library for lossy compression of scientific data. 🗜️

Build Instructions

To build the examples in this project you need:


In CMakeLists.txt, the project uses find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) and pkg_search_module(LIBRARY_NAME REQUIRED SPERR) to locate the SPERR library. This means that users no longer need to manually specify the paths to the include and lib directories.

To configure the build, simply run:

cmake -S .

To build the executables using make, run:


The executables will be named 2d and 3d, and they will be placed in the root directory.

Please note that when installing the SPERR library with CMake, you may need to use sudo as regular users typically don't have write permissions for directories like /usr and /usr/local in modern Linux systems.


Alternatively, you can build the executables via fpm with (assuming SPERR is already installed):

fpm build --link-flag "-L/path/to/SPERR/lib"

or by setting the FPM_LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/SPERR/lib environment variable and then fpm build. The executables will be named test_2d and test_3d. They will be located in a folder named app, which resides within another folder named after the compiler and hash in the build directory.

When using fpm to build executables, the build artifacts are placed in a directory named after the compiler and hash (e.g., gfortran_50F62D7499E64B65). Here, the hash (50F62D7499E64B65 in this example) represents a unique identifier for the specific build configuration. If you need more accurate information about how fpm organizes build artifacts and the significance of the hash, it's best to consult the fpm documentation or reach out to the developers of the tool for clarification.

Notes 📄

  • Input files, such as lena512.float and density_128x128x256.d64 required by the examples, are not included. Obtain them here and place them in the corresponding folder depending on the build system used.
  • (de)compression functions are working properly but proper functions for bit stream I/O are still required for real applications
  • The folder compiler+hash mentioned in the fpm section can be named differently depending on the compiler used. For example, it might be ifort+hash or gfortran+hash depending on whether Intel Fortran or GNU Fortran is used.


fortran-sperr is distributed under the BSD license. See the included LICENSE file for details.


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