This addon module will help you to show odoo 15 date fields in jalaali format.
Thanks Mr. Mohammadi ( for his hard work to prepare javascript files.
This version of jalaali works on odoo 15 community edition. It shows most date fields in jalaali format.
Note: All dates are store in gregorian format in database. If your users preference language is English, all the dates are in gregorian too.
Note: To show jalaali dates, you need to change Persian as preference language.
1.0. Make sure you installed npm and actvated rtlcss. If not, your odoo web will not work correctly while your user's prefrences language is Persian. So you need to run the folowing commands first.
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm install -g rtlcss
npm install jalali-moment -S
pip install jdatetime
1.1. Go to custom folder of your odoo server
cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/custom/addons/
1.2. Run git clone to recive a copy of jalaali filels on your server
git clone
1.3. Edit the odoo.conf file on the /etc/odoo/odoo.conf path and then add your custom file on
vi /etc/odoo/odoo.conf
(hit i or insert key to start edit)
Original odoo.conf file:
addons_path = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons
Edited odoo.conf file:
addons_path = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons , /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/custom/addons
(when finished the editing, firest hit ESC, then enter semicolon, ":", and after that enter "wq" and finaly hit Enter key)
1.4. After all changes, the odoo service must be restarted
systemctl restart odoo
2.1. settings > Activate the developer mode (with assets)
2.2. apps > update apps list
2.3. apps > (search for jalaali) > install
2.4. settings > users > (select your user) > Preferences > Languages > (select Persian)
edit list_renderer.js:
Line-728: replace const by var for name variable
var name = groupByField.type === "boolean"
? (group.value === undefined ? _t('Undefined') : group.value)
: (group.value === undefined || group.value === false ? _t('Undefined') : group.value);
line-732: add the following commands
if (name.match(regex) != null){
name = moment(name, 'YYYY-MM-DD').locale('fa').format('jYYYY/jMM/jDD');
edit message.js
line-381: inside _computeDateDay() function, replace
if (session.user_context.lang=='fa_IR'){
return'jYYYY jMMMM jDD');
try {
isValid = isValidProp(props[propName], propsDef[propName]);
try {
isValid = isValidProp(props[propName], propsDef[propName]);
if( === 'DateTimePicker' || === 'DatePicker' ){
isValid = true;
try {
whyInvalid = whyInvalidProp(props[propName], propsDef[propName]);
try {
whyInvalid = whyInvalidProp(props[propName], propsDef[propName]);
if( === 'DateTimePicker' || === 'DatePicker' ){
whyInvalid = null;
Feel free to send me email on [email protected] if you have any question.