This repository holds JSON Schemas to validate each of the tables of the project.
The idea is that with small wrappers written in JS and Python, this can be an importable package that is used any time data is being updated.
This schema is for all data that will be held in the Parse Server/MongoDB database. Not all data will be held here: rather, only data that is expected to have frequent updates and have two-way synchronization.
For example, a weather forecast layer does not need to be in here, because the data is always going from server to client, and old data can be deleted. It should be simple enough for this kind of data to check timestamps on the server, and just automatically redownload if available during the syncing process.
This is a work in progress!
pip install git+ --upgrade
npm install @nst-guide/schema --save
yarn add @nst-guide/schema
from nstschema import validate
town = {
'name': 'town name'
validate(town, 'Town')
For simple validation, you can just use validate
import { validate } from '@nst-guide/schema';
const town = {
name: 'town name',
validate(town, 'Town');
Alternatively, if you have many things to validate, it could be faster to first use compile
import { compile } from '@nst-guide/schema';
const validate = compile('Town');
const town = {
name: 'town name',
const valid = validate(town);
if (!valid) throw validate.errors;
Below is pseudocode/TypeScript for the schemas. Actual parsing happens in the JSON schema files, anything below is unofficial and just for documentation purposes.
These types are reused in several tables.
I'm planning to use Parse Server, an open source backend as a service, for my
backend. This has a GeoPoint
type. Consider GeoPoint
to be a standard object
with latitude
and longitude
keys. Parse adds __type: "GeoPoint"
, but this
is not required if working outside Parse.
interface GeoPoint {
__type?: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
For now, I'll say a Geometry
is always a valid GeoJSON string. (Encoded as a
string, not an object). Though it should be stored in Parse as a Parse.File and
not part of an object.
type Geometry = string;
Comments will be permitted on many types of waypoints. Let's define the default feedback as just an array of comments.
interface DefaultFeedback {
comments: Comment[];
interface Comment {
userId: string;
userName: string;
body: string;
// true == "northbound", where northbound is usually defined as south to
// north, but could be defined as the "standard" way for an east-west facing
// trail, like the Colorado Trail.
direction?: boolean;
date: Date;
interface Address {
housenumber?: string;
street?: string;
// comparable to address line 2
flats?: string;
postcode?: string;
city?: string;
state?: string;
Rows should be unique among towns. A "town" can include resupply areas that are not generally considered towns. For example, a lodge in Oregon that's just off the trail but remote could be considered its own Town.
interface Town {
// Unique identifier for town
id: number,
// Common name for town
name: string,
// Type of town
type: TownType,
// Geographic centroid of town. I think this probably is meant to be more of
// a "representative point" in Shapely's parlance. A centroid may be outside
// of a polygon; it would be nice if the centroid argument is always within
// the Town, but this is not required.
centroid: GeoPoint,
// Actual geometry of town. While centroid may be used when zoomed out,
// geometry should be a more accurate geometric representation of the town.
geometry?: Geometry,
// trails that this Town is a part of. I.e. [PCT]
trails: string[],
feedback: TownFeedback,
// associate elevation with the town in general instead of with individual town waypoints for simplicity
elevation: number,
enum TownType {
interface TownFeedback {
comments: Comments[]
interface TownWaypoint {
id: number,
// Reference to Town table
townId: number,
name: string,
// description
desc?: string,
// information about the type of waypoint this is
type: TownWaypointType
subtype: TownWaypointSubtype
// location: most town waypoints will be Points
geopoint: GeoPoint
// Optionally, more accurate waypoint
geometry?: Geometry
// object that holds OSM information
osm: TownWaypointOSM,
// attributes that are not pinned to OSM
attrs: TownWaypointAttributes,
feedback: TownWaypointFeedback,
// TODO figure out waypoint type and subtype
enum TownWaypointType {
type TownWaypointSubtype = FoodSubtype || LodgingSubtype || FinanceSubtype || StoreSubtype || MedicalSubtype;
enum FoodSubtype {
enum LodgingSubtype {
enum FinanceSubtype {
enum StoreSubtype {
enum MedicalSubtype {
interface TownWaypointOSM {
nodeId?: number,
wayId?: number,
relationId?: number,
// showers, toilets and laundry are values within the amenity and shop keys
amenity?: string,
shop?: string,
// Opening hours should conform to OSM opening hours standard. Parsers:
// Python:
// JS:
opening_hours?: string,
phone?: string,
website?: string,
// OSM has both email= and contact:email= tag keys
email?: string,
contact_email?: string,
// internet_access==wlan
internet_access?: boolean,
internet_access_fee?: boolean,
toilets_disposal?: string,
drinking_water?: boolean,
interface TownWaypointAttributes {
wifi?: boolean,
phone?: string,
website?: string,
// power outlets
power?: boolean,
shower?: boolean,
showerFee?: string,
laundry?: boolean,
laundryFee?: string,
toilets?: boolean,
toiletsFlush?: boolean,
acceptsResupply?: boolean
acceptsResupplyFee?: string,
acceptsResupplyProvider?: ResupplyProvider,
acceptsResupplyAddress?: ResupplyAddress[],
sendsResupply?: boolean,
sendsResupplyProvider?: ResupplyProvider,
interface ResupplyProvider {
ups?: boolean,
usps?: boolean,
fedex?: boolean,
interface ResupplyAddress {
provider: ResupplyProvider,
address: Address,
interface TownWaypointFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
votes: FeedbackVote[]
An overall, named hiking trail, like the Pacific Crest Trail, or Appalachian Trail.
interface Trail {
trailCode: string;
name: string;
desc: string;
// Link to TrailSection
trailSections: string[];
A smaller part of a larger Trail.
interface TrailSection {
id: number;
alternate: boolean;
Waypoints that are part of a TrailSection and are trail-focused. A resupply location should be a TownWaypoint.
Every TrailWaypoint contains a collection of TrailSubWaypoints
interface TrailWaypoint {
id: number,
name?: string,
desc?: string,
type: TrailWaypointType[],
subtype: TrailWaypointSubtype[],
subWaypoints: TrailSubWaypoints[],
feedback: TrailWaypointFeedback,
// Location of waypoint itself
geometry: GeoPoint,
// Elevation in **meters**
elevation: number,
osm: TrailWaypointOSM,
attrs: TrailWaypointAttributes,
enum TrailWaypointType {
// transportation
// TODO: Not sure if these should be here
type TrailWaypointSubtype = WaterSubtype || CampSubtype || NaturalSubtype || TransSubtype;
enum WaterSubtype {
// Natural LineString water source
// Natural polygon water source
// Natural point water source
// non-natural water source that must be refilled.
// an always?-running man-made water source. Doesn't need to be refilled,
// but may sometimes be turned off.
enum CampSubtype {
// wilderness campsite
// designated campground with multiple sites
// fully enclosed shelter
// shelter that is not fully enclosed
enum NaturalSubtype {
enum TransSubtype {
type TrailWaypointFeedback = WaterFeedback || CampFeedback || DefaultFeedback;
type WaterFeedback = StreamFeedback || LakeFeedback || SpringFeedback || CacheFeedback || FaucetFeedback;
interface StreamFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface LakeFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface SpringFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface CacheFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface FaucetFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface CampFeedback extends DefaultFeedback {
interface StreamFeedbackItem {
date: Date,
userId: number,
flowing: Flowing
waterQuality: WaterQuality
interface CampFeedbackItem {
date: Date,
userId: number,
// Number of tent sites the user thinks comfortably fit
campsiteFits: number,
interface HitchFeedbackItem {
date: Date,
userId: number,
// Time reported spent waiting for a hitch
timeHitching: TimeHitching,
enum Flowing {
enum WaterQuality {
enum TimeHitching {
interface User {
// Doesn't have to be their real name
// Must not include any characters that are invalid in URLs
userName: string;
// Not sure whether to make this required or not
email: string;
// password hashed (or to be hashed)
password: string;
// units
social: UserSocial;
interface UserSocial {
facebook: string;
twitter: string;
youtube: string;
instagram: string;
reddit: string;
Test data is defined in tests/{schema}/*.json
, where schema
is the name of
the schema the data is to be tested against.
is the JS test script, using Ajv, and
is the Python test script, using the jsonschema
package. You can run the JS tests with yarn test
and the Python tests with
- How to name tables so that they're easiest to download for offline usage in Parse. I think Parse generally downloads an entire table. Should all tables be prefixed by
? - locations for each subwaypoint, but connected when clicked
- How to link trail waypoints to the trail itself? The waypoints can be off trail, but I should probably keep track of the mile marker of the closest trail location?
- Where should you keep waypoint responses? Do you want to separate these from what gets recursively downloaded? On the one hand, it's more data than is needed to show the user the current state, on the other, if you're already downloading the comments, downloading these is not that much more. Maybe make the schema work either way?