T-load is a bash based script which modifies and changes your terminal from boring to awesome in just oneclick without any issue and without root. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device.
- Termux
- Termux
- internet
- storage 400 MB
- [+] New interface !
- [+] Updated maintainence !
- [+] Attractive termux !
- [+] Easy for Beginners !
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install python2 -y
pkg install git -y
pip install lolcat
git clone https://github.com/noob-hackers/T-LOAD
cd $HOME
bash t-load.sh
[+]--Now make sue that you internet connection is on and after that the installation starts automatically
[+]--After the installation succesfully completes you will see a THANKS text on screen after that a new text appears
[+]--EXIT FROM TERMUX AFTER 5 SECONDS AND RE-OPEN IT after seeing this just exit from termux and re open it
[+]--Now you can see a new loading screen of termux and you can feel real hacking terminal Sound+New interface with banner.
[+]--Note:- Don't delete any of the audio files from your sdcard/internal storage or else you cannot feel the terminal startup sound
To revert/to get back into normal termux mode use this commands
bash rvt.sh
- Here type your name which you want to show in your terminal.
This tool is only for educational purpose. If you use this tool for other purposes except education we will not be responsible in such cases.