Misc scripts for use on Alpine Linux runnig in a VM (i.e. Virtualbox guest)
#jupyter-python-setup.sh Install Jupyter and Python Engine for use with following libraries on Alpine Linux 3.5:
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Scikit-Learn
- pandas-datareader
- matplotlibiut
- beautifulsoup4
- install Alpine Linux 3.5
- eject install media (i.e. cdrom iso)
- reboot
- login
- confirm network connectivity (i.e. > ping github.com)
- update wget (default wget does not appear to support https connections) with certs
apk add -u wget
apk add -u ca-certificates
- Run follow to download and run the script:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nomadhermit/Scripts4AlpineLinux/master/jupyter-python-setup.sh
ash jupyter-python-setup.sh
- launch jupyter for remote access via:
jupyter notebook --ip
- use a browser and connect to the url and token shown after jupyter launch
- create python2 notebook and confirm desired libraries are working.