Ready-to-use plotly.js distributed bundle.
Contains trace modules bar
, barpolar
, box
, candlestick
, carpet
, choropleth
, choroplethmapbox
, cone
, contour
, contourcarpet
, densitymapbox
, funnel
, funnelarea
, heatmap
, heatmapgl
, histogram
, histogram2d
, histogram2dcontour
, icicle
, image
, indicator
, isosurface
, mesh3d
, ohlc
, parcats
, parcoords
, pie
, pointcloud
, sankey
, scatter
, scatter3d
, scattercarpet
, scattergeo
, scattergl
, scattermapbox
, scatterpolar
, scatterpolargl
, scatterternary
, splom
, streamtube
, sunburst
, surface
, table
, treemap
, violin
, volume
and waterfall
For more info on plotly.js, go to
npm install plotly.js-dist
// ES6 module
import Plotly from "plotly.js-dist";
// CommonJS
var Plotly = require("plotly.js-dist");
Code and documentation copyright 2021 Plotly, Inc.
Code released under the MIT license.
Docs released under the Creative Commons license.
Please visit complete list of dependencies.