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Change Data Capture (CDC) with Debezium, PostgreSQL, and Kafka

The architecture of a change data capture pipeline based on Debezium:

Start the docker services

# Start docker
docker-compose up -d

# Clean Up
docker-compose down

Setup the Debezium PostgreSQL connector:

# Deploy the connector:
curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @register-postgres.json

# Verify that the connector is deployed:
curl -s -XGET http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins | jq '.[].class'

Database Setup

  1. Access PostgreSQL:

    docker-compose exec postgres bash -c 'psql -U $POSTGRES_USER postgres'
  2. Create tables table_a, table_b, and table_c:

    CREATE TABLE table_a (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name VARCHAR(50),
        last_name VARCHAR(50)
    CREATE TABLE table_b (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name VARCHAR(50),
        last_name VARCHAR(50)
    CREATE TABLE table_c (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name VARCHAR(50),
        last_name VARCHAR(50)
  3. Insert sample data:

    INSERT INTO table_a VALUES (1, 'name_1', 'last_1');
    INSERT INTO table_a VALUES (2, 'name_2', 'last_2');
    INSERT INTO table_a VALUES (3, 'name_3', 'last_3');
    INSERT INTO table_b VALUES (1, 'name_1', 'last_1');
    INSERT INTO table_b VALUES (2, 'name_2', 'last_2');
    INSERT INTO table_b VALUES (3, 'name_3', 'last_3');
    INSERT INTO table_c VALUES (1, 'name_1', 'last_1');
    INSERT INTO table_c VALUES (2, 'name_2', 'last_2');
    INSERT INTO table_c VALUES (3, 'name_3', 'last_3');
  4. Verify table content:

    SELECT * FROM table_a;
    SELECT * FROM table_b;
    SELECT * FROM table_c;

Kafka Topic Consumption

Consume data from Kafka topics for each table to verify the CDC changes.

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --property print.key=false --topic dbserver1.public.table_a | jq
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --property print.key=false --topic dbserver1.public.table_b | jq
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --property print.key=false --topic dbserver1.public.table_c | jq

Run custom Kafka producers and consumers:

# Run the producer

# Run the consumer

Update table_a manually to Trigger CDC

UPDATE table_a SET last_name = 'BAO_table_b' WHERE id = 2;
UPDATE table_a SET last_name = 'BAO_table_c' WHERE id = 3;

These updates should automatically sync to table_b and table_c based on the CDC configuration.



  • Add CRUD operation scenarios to test more complex CDC behaviors.
  • Experiment with multi-table joins and complex transformations in CDC.

                  lllllll         tttt         b::::::b               999999999          999999999
                  l:::::l      ttt:::t         b::::::b             99:::::::::99      99:::::::::99
                  l:::::l      t:::::t         b::::::b           99:::::::::::::99  99:::::::::::::99
                  l:::::l      t:::::t          b:::::b          9::::::99999::::::99::::::99999::::::9
nnnn  nnnnnnnn     l::::lttttttt:::::ttttttt    b:::::bbbbbbbbb  9:::::9     9:::::99:::::9     9:::::9
n:::nn::::::::nn   l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t    b::::::::::::::bb9:::::9     9:::::99:::::9     9:::::9
n::::::::::::::nn  l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t    b::::::::::::::::b9:::::99999::::::9 9:::::99999::::::9
nn:::::::::::::::n l::::ltttttt:::::::tttttt    b:::::bbbbb:::::::b99::::::::::::::9  99::::::::::::::9
  n:::::nnnn:::::n l::::l      t:::::t          b:::::b    b::::::b  99999::::::::9     99999::::::::9
  n::::n    n::::n l::::l      t:::::t          b:::::b     b:::::b       9::::::9           9::::::9
  n::::n    n::::n l::::l      t:::::t          b:::::b     b:::::b      9::::::9           9::::::9
  n::::n    n::::n l::::l      t:::::t    ttttttb:::::b     b:::::b     9::::::9           9::::::9
  n::::n    n::::nl::::::l     t::::::tttt:::::tb:::::bbbbbb::::::b    9::::::9           9::::::9
  n::::n    n::::nl::::::l     tt::::::::::::::tb::::::::::::::::b    9::::::9           9::::::9
  n::::n    n::::nl::::::l       tt:::::::::::ttb:::::::::::::::b    9::::::9           9::::::9
  nnnnnn    nnnnnnllllllll         ttttttttttt  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb    99999999           99999999


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