Isdialogmote is a backend service for handling DialogmoteInnkallinger. Dialogmoteinnkallinger are created and edited by SYFO-veiledere in Syfomodiaperson( in Modia.
Note! isdialogmote persists the virksomhet for a dialogmote, but never the nærmeste leder. This is because the sykmeldt-nærmeste leder relation can change at any time, including after a dialogmote has been created. This means that to get for example a nærmeste leder's email, we always have to get the relation and its accompanying information from the application that holds the most current information: narmesteleder.
- Docker
- Gradle
- Kotlin
- Kafka
- Ktor
- Postgres
- Redis
- Kluent
- Mockk
- Spek
- JDK 21
Run ./gradlew clean shadowJar
Run checking: ./gradlew --continue ktlintCheck
Run formatting: ./gradlew ktlintFormat
Apply checking: ./gradlew addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook
Apply formatting: ./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook
Run ./gradlew test -i
Creating a docker image should be as simple as docker build -t isdialogmote .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 isdialogmote
This application uses Aiven Valkey for caching.
This application produces the following topic(s):
- isdialogmote-dialogmote-statusendring
- isdialogmelding-behandler-dialogmelding-bestilling
- teamsykmelding.dinesykmeldte-hendelser-v2
This application consumes the following topic(s):
- dialogmelding
We are available at the Slack channel #isyfo