Social Hive is a side portfolio project that was made with the help of ReactJS, Laravel, OpenAdmin, and Inertia. This project also uses front-end tooling such as Tailwind and Bootstrap, therefore, this website utilizes the use of Server Side Rendering and, in this case, it can boost the website's performance. It also emphasizes on security principles such as file name and password hashing and server side rendering.
Built With ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces Laravel - A PHP framework for web artisans OpenAdmin - Administration panel (replace with actual link/documentation) Inertia - A framework for building single-page applications without leaving the comfort of Laravel Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework Bootstrap - For responsive design and UI components
- Social Hive prioritizes security, implementing features like:
- Filename hashing to prevent direct access and guessing of resource URLs.
- Password hashing for secure storage and verification of user credentials.
- Server-side rendering to enhance both performance and security by limiting exposure of client-side code.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
Acknowledgments Hat tip to all the libraries and frameworks that made this project possible. Special thanks to the ReactJS and Laravel communities for their invaluable resources and support.
The demo of AppetiteConnect despite not being live, screenshots and snapshots are available in the link below; Demo Link