This repository contains a bash command line tool which can interact with the redmine API, in order to create and modify issues.
In order to run this tool you must install jq.
redtask <options> <ids or collections> <filters> <command> <reports>
-p <project id>
project id is the numeric id of a certain project
ids can be provided as comma separated list of ids
ids:<custom command>
ids can be created by custom commands which perform a custom query on the
redmine in order to receive some ids
json:<custom command>
json content can be provided by an external command which will perform a
query on the redmine api
assign:<user id>
filter for issues which are assigned to the specified user
set status of issue to done
print a line for each issue
redtask json:backlog feature load_details pretty >all_features.json
cat all_features.json | jq -r -c '.[] | "{\"id\":\(.id),\"payload\":\([.journals[] | .details[0].new_value | select(contains("deliverable")) ] | .[-1:]|.[])},"' > lost_values.json
cat lost_values.json | jq 'map( del(.payload.tags))' > cleand_lost.json
cat cleand_lost.json | jq 'map(.deliverable=.payload.deliverable |.requirements=.payload.requirements) | map(del(.payload))' > lost3.json
cat lost3.json | jq -r '.[]|"redtask \(.id) mo deliver:\"\(.deliverable)\""' >commands
sh commands
cat lost3.json | jq -r '.[]|"redtask \(.id) mo require:\"\(.requirements)\""' > commands
sh commands