a web-based tool for interactive geographically weighted correlation mapping
This project holds the source code for gwpcorMapper
: an R package for exploratory spatial data analysis
through the interactive mapping of geographically weighted correlation and partial correlation coefficients.
Install the gwpcormapper
package using remotes
in an R terminal then launch the application by:
or build and launch using docker:
docker build -t gwpcormapper .
docker run -p 80:80 gwpcormapper
To run via docker, please ensure that docker is installed.
Please see the getting started vignette for more detailed instructions and examples in using the gwpcormapper
The default basemap used is CARTO DarkMatter however, this may be changed by declaring either a web-tile source URL or by specifying a mapbox style as an environmental variable. Please follow the guide for detailed instructions on using custom base maps.
To run the application locally, make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- R (>= 3.6.3)
- GDAL (>= 2.4.0)
- GEOS (>= 3.7.1)
- Proj.4 (>= 4.8.0)
Then launch the Shiny app by running the code at dev/run_dev.R