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multi-stage relational programming for staged relational interpreters: running with holes, faster

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Multi-stage miniKanren


We introduce multi-stage miniKanren, which augments miniKanren with staging constructs that allow us to have precise control over the staging process. We have novel constructs to account for non-determinism. We use multi-stage miniKanren to stage interpreters written as relations, in which the programs under interpretation can contain holes representing unknown values. We apply this staging framework to a relational interpreter for a subset of Racket, and demonstrate significant performance gains across multiple synthesis problems.


Multi-stage miniKanren is a Racket library which relies on two existing pieces of software: syntax-spec-v2, a metalanguage for implementing DSLs in Racket; and a modified version of faster-minikanren, an efficient implementation of miniKanren with constraint solving. The former dependency can be installed using Racket's builtin package manager, raco, by running the shell command:

raco pkg install syntax-spec-v2

The latter dependency is bundled with this project, under private/faster-minikanren, as a git submodule. To install this, use the following shell commands:

git submodule init
git submodule update

To build the plots used in the paper, an additional dependency, plot: the racket plotting library, is required. This can be installed by running the shell command:

raco pkg install plot



The project defines the syntax of multi-stage miniKanren using a syntax-spec language in main.rkt. That file dispatches each of the different syntactic forms present in Figure 13 in the paper to their corresponding internal implementations. The $$g_r$$ nonterminal corresponds to the compile-runtime-goal DSL syntax, the $$g_s$$ nonterminal corresponds to the compile-now-goal DSL syntax, and the $$g_l$$ nonterminal corresponds to the compile-later-goal DSL syntax. Each of these calls different procedures prefixed with i:, which refer to different parts of the internal representation.


The actual miniKanren implementation which is run once at staging-time and once at run-time is a modified version of the existing faster-minikanren project, which implements the traditional miniKanren goal-constructors such as fresh, conde, ==, and others (see private/faster-minikanren/mk.scm), but also includes support for unifying against the new apply-rep structure type, which represents partial relation applications. The private/internals.rkt file implements the new goal-constructors added to multi-stage miniKanren, such as fallback, gather, and partial relation application and specialization.

Relational Interpreters

There are a number of relational interpreters for different languages in this project. The largest interpreter is for the subset of racket used in Byrd et. al; it is used in Figures 19, 20 and 21 to demonstrate relational synthesis. The version of this interpreter without annotations is in unstaged-interp.scm, and the version with staging annotations is in staged-interp.scm. Interpreters for a smaller dialect of racket are present in the small-interp directory. The relational interpreter for the λ-or language from Figures 10 and 11 of the paper is defined in tests/or-interp.rkt.


The case-studies presented in section 6.1 of the paper are present in the tests/applications/ sub-directory. These include:

Tests and Plots

Tests for the project are available under the tests/ directory. Running the file tests/all.rkt will run the tests. To replicate the benchmarks as they appear in the paper, run the shell script, which will run the tests, printing raw results to STDOUT and to log files of the form bench-log-*.txt and printing formatted results to bench-results/*.

The plots are generated by running tests/graphs.rkt.


multi-stage relational programming for staged relational interpreters: running with holes, faster







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