I'm here to lurk through projects, assist with open-source projects, and design my own tools.
🔭 Probably troubleshooting a wireless network somewhere.
🌱 I’m currently learning Go, Rust, and Flask
📝 Currently reviewing IKEv1, IKEv2, and BGP.
📝 To stay up to date with my journal https://n3s0.tech
Some recent entries from my journal:
- Troubleshooting Nautobot As A Docker Container Docker Compose Not Found
- Fortinet: Negate Rules on ForiGate Policies.
- Fortinet: Add An Address External Resource To FortiGate
- Fortinet: Troubleshoot Certificate File is Duplicated for CA/Local/Remote/Crl cert
- Checking Certificate Using OpenSSL
I'm a network administrator with 6+ years of experience working in enterprise environments. I also enjoy lurking through open-source software to help.
As I automate workflows I intend to update this with my most recent Ansible Playbooks. Some being used regularly. Some not so much. It's still good to have them regardless.
Ubuntu Update Playbook : Super simple playbook I'm using to update my Ubuntu servers when I need to. Just add the servers to the hosts file, confirm that you have their public SSH keys, and off you go. Let it run.
I like to make the barrier between initial deployment and system setup as efficient as possible. So, sometimes I'll orchestrate servers and cloud instances with Terraform. Listed are files I use to accomplish this. Most of these will have generics and items that need to be configured in the main.tf files.
Basic Ubuntu Server Vultr : Ubuntu Server deployment using Vultr with minimal resources. I use this to automate Ubuntu Server deployments for learning and testing software when the requirements are minimal.
I haven't completely developed all of these just yet. But, here are some open-source projects that I'm working on.
subnetcalc : A command-line tool written in Go that is a simple subnet calculator. But, there's a little twist to it. I've added a few reference tables for subnetting, ethernet cable length, and soon there will be a reference for wireless channels and standards.
randfile : A command-line tool written in Go for picking a random file from a list of files in a directory. My primary use case for this is random wallpaper selection for the Sway and i3 window managers.
certchecker : A command-line tool I wrote in Go that provides basic certificate information about a website.
I've recently moved my software projects and my blog to GitHub. Mostly due to the community aspect that it provides. I enjoy building tools that will be beneficial towards my carreer and my life. Generally, that is the reason for writting software or jotting things down in my online journal. I love to filter everything I learn into one place so I have the information available to me wherever I go.
If you would like to follow my journal. You can find it at: https://n3s0.tech/
I enjoy designing networks in my spare time too. At some point I will be providing a list of those designs below. At some point I intend on having a bunch of cookie cutter designs to choose from that will suite multiple situations. Sometimes I also get pulled into interesting scenarios too. I will be writting those soon.