Provides the best way to add rating capabilites to your Rails application with jQuery Raty plugin.
This gem will be updated on very early 2015 with many features. :) You can send me a message if you want to be a part of it.
Add the letsrate gem into your Gemfile
gem 'letsrate'
rails g letsrate User
The generator takes one argument which is the name of your existing devise user model UserModelName. This is necessary to bind the user and rating datas. Also the generator copies necessary files (jquery raty plugin files, star icons and javascripts)
Suppose you will have a devise user model which name is User. The devise generator and letsrate generator should be like below
rails g devise:install
rails g devise user
rails g letsrate user # => user is the model generated by devise
This generator will create Rate and RatingCache models and link to your user model.
I suppose you have a car model
rails g model car name:string
You should add the letsrate_rateable function with its dimensions option. You can add multiple dimensions.
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
letsrate_rateable "speed", "engine", "price"
Then you need to add a call letsrate_rater in the user model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
There is a helper method which name is rating_for to add the star links. By default rating_for will display the average rating and accept the new rating value from authenticated user.
<%# show.html.erb -> /cars/1 %>
Speed : <%= rating_for @car, "speed" %>
Engine : <%= rating_for @car, "engine" %>
Price : <%= rating_for @car, "price" %>
If you need to change the star number, you should use star option like below.
Speed : <%= rating_for @car, "speed", :star => 10 %>
Speed : <%= rating_for @car, "engine", :star => 7 %>
Speed : <%= rating_for @car, "price" %>
You can use the rating_for_user helper method to show the star rating for the user.
Speed : <%= rating_for_user @car, current_user, "speed", :star => 10 %>
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