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mooplot: Visualizations for Multi-Objective Optimization

[ R package ] [ GitHub ] Build status Code Coverage CRAN version CRAN Status CRAN Downloads r-universe version r-universe build status

[ Python package ] [ GitHub ] Build status Code Coverage PyPI - Version PyPI - Downloads

Contributors: Manuel López-Ibáñez, Carlos M. Fonseca, Luís Paquete, Mickaël Binois. Fergus Rooney.


The mooplot package implements various visualizations that are useful in multi-objective optimization. These visualizations include:

  • Visualization of Pareto frontiers.
  • Visualization of the Empirical Attainment Function (EAF) and the differences between EAFs. The EAF describes the probabilistic distribution of the outcomes obtained by a stochastic algorithm in the objective space.

These visualizations may be used for exploring the performance of stochastic local search algorithms for multi-objective optimization problems and help in identifying certain algorithmic behaviors in a graphical way.

Keywords: empirical attainment function, summary attainment surfaces, EAF differences, multi-objective optimization, graphical analysis, visualization.

The repository is composed of:

  • r/: An R package that uses the C library.
  • python/: A Python package that uses the C library.

Each component is documented in the file found under each folder.