A Laravel Nova implementation of the Quill editor for Vue.js
You can use custom quilljs setting in different fields.
Work with other package nova-translatable and nova-flexible-content, maybe it can change Vue this.fields.attribute
, so I add uploadUrlSplit
method, You can correctly upload your image.
Install via composer
composer require ek0519/quilljs
In nova interface was not easy to set css about quill padding bottom, at some resolution maybe can overlaps, you can use paddingBottom to modify.
Quilljs::make(__('Content'), 'content')
->placeholder('please enter here')
Number (unit px)
use Ek0519\Quilljs\Quilljs;
->fullWidth(false) (option, default full-width)
->height(500) (option, default 300px)
I add this module https://github.com/Fandom-OSS/quill-blot-formatter , thanks for https://github.com/Fandom-OSS
size : Number, default 2(MB)
use Ek0519\Quilljs\Quilljs;
This Nova field provides native attachments driver which works similar to Trix File Uploads.
To use this attachments driver, publish and run the migration(also publish quilljs config to set toolbar):
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ek0519\Quilljs\FieldServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate
Then, allow users to upload images, just like with Trix field, chaining the withFiles method onto the field's definition. When calling this method, you should pass the name of the filesystem disk that images should be stored on(in this example, we use public, please use this command php artisan storage:link
use Ek0519\Quilljs\Quilljs;
->placeholder('please enter here')
Work with other package nova-translatable and nova-flexible-content
When you use other packages like nova-translatable and nova-flexible-content, they will overwrite upload api.
Ex: origin your_host/nova-vendor/quilljs/articles/upload/content
maybe overwrite to
You can use
split_string : String
use Ek0519\Quilljs\Quilljs;
->placeholder('please enter here')
->translatable(), // nova-translatable's method
In default, tooltip was disabled, if you want to use, in Resource add ->tooltip(true)
Quilljs::make(__('Content'), 'content')
in config/tooltip.php
You can use favorite description of tooltip.
return [
['Choice' =>'.ql-bold','title' =>'bold'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-italic','title' =>'italic'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-underline','title' =>'underline'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header','title' =>'header'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-strike','title' =>'strike'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-blockquote','title' =>'blockquote'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-code-block','title' =>'code-block'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-size','title' =>'font-size'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-list[value="ordered"]','title' =>'order list'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-list[value="bullet"]','title' =>'bulleted list'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header[value="1"]','title' =>'h1'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header[value="2"]','title' =>'h2'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-align','title' =>'align'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-color','title' =>'color'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-background','title' =>'background'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-image','title' =>'image'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-video','title' =>'video'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-link','title' =>'link'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-formula','title' =>'formula'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-clean','title' =>'clean'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-indent[value="-1"]','title' =>'indent left'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-indent[value="+1"]','title' =>'indent right'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-label','title' =>'header size'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="1"]','title' =>'H1'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="2"]','title' =>'H2'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="3"]','title' =>'H3'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="4"]','title' =>'H4'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="5"]','title' =>'H5'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="6"]','title' =>'H6'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-header .ql-picker-item:last-child','title' =>'normal'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="small"]','title' =>'small'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="large"]','title' =>'large'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="huge"]','title' =>'xlarge'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-size .ql-picker-item:nth-child(2)','title' =>'normal'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-align .ql-picker-item:first-child','title' =>'align left'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-align .ql-picker-item[data-value="center"]','title' =>'align center'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-align .ql-picker-item[data-value="right"]','title' =>'align right'],
['Choice' =>'.ql-align .ql-picker-item[data-value="justify"]','title' =>'justify']
If you want to change toolbar's setting, you can change quilljs.php in config folder, reference quilljs's web site https://quilljs.com/docs/modules/toolbar
return [
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
["blockquote", "code-block"],
[ ['header'=> 1 ], ['header'=> 2]],
[['list'=> "ordered" ], ['list'=> "bullet" ]],
[[ 'script'=> "sub" ], [ 'script'=> "super" ]],
[[ 'indent'=> "-1" ], [ 'indent'=> "+1" ]],
[[ 'direction'=> "rtl" ]],
[[ 'size'=> ["small", false, "large", "huge"] ]],
[[ 'header'=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] ]],
[[ 'color'=> [] ], [ 'background'=> [] ]],
[[ 'font'=> [] ]],
[[ 'align'=> [] ]],
["link", "image", "video"]
or you can use new api ->config(array [])
Quilljs::make(__('Content'), 'content')
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
["blockquote", "code-block"],
[ ['header'=> 1 ], ['header'=> 2]],
[['list'=> "ordered" ], ['list'=> "bullet" ]],
[[ 'script'=> "sub" ], [ 'script'=> "super" ]],
[[ 'indent'=> "-1" ], [ 'indent'=> "+1" ]],
[[ 'direction'=> "rtl" ]],
[[ 'size'=> ["small", false, "large", "huge"] ]],
[[ 'header'=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] ]],
[[ 'color'=> [] ], [ 'background'=> [] ]],
[[ 'font'=> [] ]],
[[ 'align'=> [] ]],
["link", "image", "video"]
Only support Youtube Facebook,default size in Nova was width 800px and height 450px,define in css
width: 800px;
height: 450px;
- Example url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgHqK6Dge4w