Multi-Mission Multi-Messenger Observation Planning Toolkit
Dorado observation planning and scheduling simulations. Replaced by
Automated property interpolation and color calculations for main sequence stars
This is a repository for the reduction pipeline detailed in Wakeford, et al., 2016, ApJ. The method implements marginalization across a series of models to represent stochastic models for observato…
How to generate a stellar Flare Frequency Distribution, and its uncertainties
allesfitter is a convenient wrapper around the packages ellc (light curve and RV models), dynesty (static and dynamic nested sampling) emcee (Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling) and celerite (Gaussi…
Examples of how to fit models to data with Gaussian Process regression
MCMC samplers for Bayesian estimation in Python, including Metropolis-Hastings, NUTS, and Slice
Machine-readable files that detail the footprints of the K2 Campaign fields.
jvc2688 / cpm
Forked from dfm/cpmA data-driven causal model for modeling systematics in Kepler light curves
Curate publications related to NASA's Kepler/K2 missions using the ADS API.
Measuring stellar rotation periods with Gaussian processes
Check whether targets are in the field of view of K2
TTVFast efficiently calculates transit times for n-planet systems and the corresponding radial velocities.