Reimplementation of edge alignment [1] using CERES solver. Look at the folder standalone
for an easy to understand standalone implementation (abeit inefficient).
- Eigen3
- OpenCV
[1] Kuse M., Shen S. “Robust Camera Motion Estimation using Direct Edge Alignment and Sub-gradient Method“. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.
This repo was an attempt for me to have a standalone
implementation of edge alignment. A basic standalone implementation
can be accessed in the folder standalone
. It is not the most efficient implementation, but
it works. It uses Ceres's cubic_interpolation. Contributions welcome!
I believe, Yongyen in his repo had
fixed it and is usable. You are better off trying to run his code.
The paper relating to yongyen's work is:
[3] Yonggen Ling, Manohar Kuse, and Shaojie Shen, “Direct Edge Alignment-Based Visual-Inertial Fusion for Tracking of Aggressive Motions“, submitted in Springer Autonomous Robots.
You may look at for more resources on this project.
If you are keen on using this, I suggest you implement the gradient decent yourself for this. Once you have a point cloud it is really not that hard.