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formrenderer-base is a JavaScript library for rendering an HTML form from a JSON definition, and persisting form submissions back to a server via AJAX. This is the library used for rendering forms inside of Screendoor, and as such, it's pretty tightly coupled to Screendoor's server API. There's a couple different ways this library can be used:

Ways to use it

  1. Embedding a Screendoor form on your website. This is the primary supported use of this library.
  2. Rendering forms without Screendoor. You could use formbuilder to let your users build forms, and then render them with this library. You'll have to override all save-related functionality that talks to Screendoor by default.

This documentation will be focused on the former, while the latter should be considered unsupported.

Getting started

Include the formrenderer JS and CSS:

<script src='//'></script>
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' />

Replace X.X.X with the current version number, which can be found in a badge at the top of this file.

The distributions in dist/ contain all of the necessary dependencies with the exception of jQuery, which must be loaded before formrenderer.js.

Once you're ready to render a form:

<form data-formrenderer></form>

  new FormRenderer({
    "project_id": 2, // REQUIRED: your Screendoor project ID.

Of course, there's a lot more you can do...


option description default
project_id Your Screendoor project ID, which can be found on your project settings page
onReady A function to call once the form is fully-loaded
target jQuery selector for the element in which to render your form. Can also be a DOM node. '[data-formrenderer]'
enableAutosave Persist changes back to the server every 5 seconds true
enableBeforeUnload Warn if the user leaves the page with unsubmitted responses true
enablePages If the form contains multiple pages, render them. Set to false to render all response fields on the same page. true
enableLocalstorage Save unsubmitted draft identifiers to localstorage, which will allow respondents to leave and return to the form without losing data. true
validateImmediately If the form is initialized with invalid data, immediately show errors. false
afterSubmit Can be any of the following: a function, which will be called after submission, a URL, which the user will be sent to after submission, or an Object that looks like { method: 'page', html: 'Your custom HTML' }, which will be rendered where the form once was. Logs a sweet info message to the console.


You'll need node and npm installed.

  1. npm install
  2. bower install
  3. grunt watch
  4. open examples/index.html and you're all set! To run tests: grunt test

When you're ready to release a new version:

  1. grunt test to make sure everything is working
  2. grunt release to bump the patch version and create a new git tag, etc
  3. grunt s3 to push to our s3 bucket


Screendoor's client-side form rendering code.







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  • JavaScript 81.5%
  • CoffeeScript 10.7%
  • CSS 7.4%
  • HTML 0.4%