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V0.1 Getting Started

Martin Angers edited this page Oct 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

This article will get you up to speed in installing and using the agora programming language.


Provided you already have the Go language installed and your $GOPATH environment variable setup correctly, this is a simple matter of running this command:

go get -t

The three dots at the end are part of the command, literally. The agora repository is a collection of multiple packages, and this command will instruct go get to install all of them. The -t flag instructs go to also install packages required for tests (requires Go tip - Go's development version).

To test the installation, run the following command ($ represents the command prompt):

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test -short ./...

Again, the dot-slash-three-dots is part of the command, literally. This will run the tests of the various agora packages - skipping the long-running ones - and should all succeed, displaying ok at the start of each line (some subdirectories may not have tests, in which case it will display a ?, this is normal).

Please note that at the moment, agora has only been tested on 64-bit Linux Ubuntu 13.04 and 64-bit Mac OSX 10.8.

Introduction to agora

Agora is dynamically-typed

This means that variables, parameters and functions (the return value) have no types, only values have a type. The following value types are supported:

  • String, i.e. "hello, I'm a string!"
  • Number, i.e. 17 or 3.1415
  • Boolean, i.e. true or false
  • Function, i.e. func add(x, y) { return x + y }
  • Object, i.e. {name: "Martin", age: 38}
  • Nil, i.e. nil

Agora is embeddable

This means that it can be part of a bigger program. Since agora is built with the Go programming language as a collection of packages ( libraries ), it is designed to be easily embedded in a Go program to provide dynamic scripting capabilities to the otherwise static Go executable (see the native Go API for more information on how to call agora from Go). Go can execute agora code, and agora code can call Go code via native modules exposed to agora.

But thanks to the agora command-line tool (which we'll get to in a minute), it is also possible to run agora programs directly, without a host. Well, this is more or less true: the tool is a general-purpose Go host.

Agora is garbage-collected

You don't have to manually manage the memory in an agora program (in fact, you can't). All values are automatically garbage-collected even though there is no garbage collector in agora per se! It is the native Go GC that is responsible for reclaiming unused memory, and the agora runtime makes sure to release any reference to values it doesn't need anymore, as soon as possible.

Agora is dynamically loaded

Agora modules are loaded dynamically at runtime, as opposed to compiled and linked into the binary executable as is the case with Go. The import(string) built-in function is responsible to load those modules in agora code, while the runtime.Ctx.Load(string) method is the native Go API to load the initial module to bootstrap the agora execution.

The execution context (runtime.Ctx) uses a module resolver to find the matching agora source code for a given module identifier (a string literal). Out-of-the-box, agora provides a runtime.FileResolver that looks up the module in the file system, but any type that implements the runtime.ModuleResolver interface can be used to resolve a module ID.

Agora is interpreted

Once compiled, the agora bytecode is interpreted by a stack-based virtual machine. The bytecode is essentially a list of opcodes (operations) and some metadata, such as OP_PUSH K 1. This instruction is composed of the operation OP_PUSH, the flag K and the index 1 which instructs the VM to push onto the stack the value of the constant (K) at index 1 in the constant table.

See the virtual machine article for more information on the VM and the internals of agora.

Agora has 4 representation formats

  • The agora source code is most likely the code that humans write, and is the one with a syntax similar to Go.
  • The agora assembly code is a pseudo-assembly language that is basically a human-readable representation of the binary bytecode. It is possible to compile this format using the agora asm command, and to disassemble the bytecode format to assembly code using agora dasm. It is not meant to be written directly by a human, although it is definitely possible.
  • The bytecode format is the binary, compiled code that can be persisted, for example, in a file.
  • Finally, the bytecode format also has a matching in-memory representation, used at runtime to execute the instructions in the virtual machine. This in-memory representation is provided by the data structure bytecode.File.

For more information on the various formats, see the bytecode format and assembly code format articles in the wiki.

The command-line tool

Agora comes with a command-line tool to quickly build and run programs without the need for a custom Go host (remember, agora is an embeddable language). Provided your $GOPATH/bin environment variable is included in your $PATH, you can type agora -h to print the help screen of the tool.

The tool supports many sub-commands, but for this getting started article, we will use only agora run to run a simple program. See the command-line tool wiki article for a more in-depth look at the tool.

Your first agora program

Let's write a simple program that converts the case of its command-line arguments based on the case of the first letter. If the word starts with an uppercase, the whole word is converted to lowercase, and vice-versa. Admittedly, this is not terribly useful, but the goal is to get acquainted with the language.

// Import the required modules
s := import("strings")
f := import("fmt")

// Declare a function to change the case of a word
func changeCase(word) {
	if word >= "a" {
		return s.ToUpper(word)
	return s.ToLower(word)

// Loop over all received arguments
l := len(args)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {

Now save this program to a file, and run it with agora run <file> Welcome to Agora!. If all goes well, it should print:


Ok, so what happened here? First, the agora run command passes all strings following the file name to the program, as input arguments.

Then, the source code imports two stdlib modules, strings to convert to upper- and lowercase, and fmt to print to stdout.

The changeCase function takes a single word as argument, and checks if it is greater to or equal to "a". This is a simple way to check if it starts with a lowercase letter. If this is the case, it returns the word converted to uppercase. Otherwise it returns the word converted to lowercase.

Then there is a loop over all received arguments (obtained via the args reserved identifier). Each blank-separated word is sent to changeCase for conversion, and printed on the screen, one per line. The result of agora run also displays = <nil> (runtime.null), because each function has an explicit return nil statement added if it doesn't end with a return.

That's it! In future versions, a for range construct will likely be available, and possibly a functional-style map, but for v0.1, that's the way to do it. Note that the changeCase function could also be written using the ternary ?: operator. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

More resources

Next: Similarities and differences with Go