This is my own personal "stage 2" install for Arch Linux.
It contains i3-gaps window manager with my pre-configured dotfiles. It's nothing extraordinarily special, but it helps automate my process of installing Arch on new systems.
It also has a unified theme applied to as many elements as possible. If you never riced Arch before, this will basically do it for you. Play around with the colors and enjoy.
- A couple of useful monitoring utilities:
- acpi - Allows for management and monitoring of battery
- htop - CLI-based system monitor
- xorg
- sddm - A display manager for graphical login
- Pipewire audio server (via wireplumber + pipewire-pulse services for best compatibility & performance)
- i3-gaps (for those sweet, sweet gaps)
- Thumbnailers (ffmpegthumbs & ffmpegthumbnailer)
- feh - an image previewer that is also used to set wallpapers
- Authentication applications (gnome-keyring & polkit-kde-agent)
- dunst - A notification daemon
- picom - X compositor that allows for visual effects like dual kawase blur and shadows
- (optional) Tap-to-click functionality for touchpads. You'll get a prompt.
- qt5ct - Configuration utility for Qt applications
- lxappearance - Configuration utility for GTK+ applications
- Breeze - The KDE Breeze suite, for both Qt and GTK+, with icons
- Font Awesome - Used for icons in the bar
- DejaVu font - System font
- Fantasque Sans Mono Nerd Font - Used in terminal
- Weather Icons - For the weather module in the bar
- PCManFM - A graphical light-weight file manager
- ranger - A lighter-weight file manager that runs on the terminal with vim-like commands
- spectacle - KDE's screenshot utility, which can run CLI commands that are bound to keys
- Shift+PrtScn = Copy area to clipboard
- Ctrl+PrtScn = Opens spectacle after taking a shot
- Kate text editor
- Vim with system clipboard integration
- Alacritty - A terminal
- In case you have problems running Alacritty, termite is also installed as an alternative
- Brave browser - A browser based on Chromium that blocks ads by default among other things
- cava - A pretty cool audio spectrum viewer
- EasyEffects - Powerful audio post-processing utility; I recommend running Belisarius Perfect EQ + Normalization preset. I found it to work best on most sound systems while balancing the audio.
This custom script installs and sets up the fish shell with fzf, bat, starship, neofetch, and find-the-command utilities integrated into the file, almost entirely inspired by Garuda Linux.
- There's an example setxkbmap near the bottom of the i3 config ($HOME/.config/i3/config) that switches between the US and Romanian Standard keyboard layouts that I personally use. Comment it out if it bothers you, or modify it with your own layout options using the guideline provided in 'man xkeyboard-config'. The current toggle is the right Alt key FYI.
After you've finished installing Arch, get out of chroot and reboot into your newly installed system.
For best results, install only base packages + sudo and whatever else you need to get your installation complete and boot into a terminal.
After you're done and logged in, with your terminal in the home folder, install the things you need to run this script:
pacman -S --needed base-devel git
Now it's time to clone this repository:
git clone
Change directory to the new one:
cd arch-stage2
Make sure the script is executable:
chmod +x
Now just run the script:
- Shell configuration with Starship and other tools like fzf and bat were inspired largely by the work the Garuda team put in.
- Polybar configuration inspired by
- EasyEffects presets were taken from; Belisarius Perfect EQ + Normalization preset drew inspiration from JackHack96's project.
- If you manage a project or know someone else I may have gotten dotfiles/inspiration from that I forgot about, feel free to post that politely in the Issues section and I'll mention them at my earliest convenience!