You feed it a verbose commit status and it will spit out commit message via OpenAI API.
go install
Then you need to put OpenAI API key in somewhere so it's accessible in your
shell. I put mine in .bashrc
file with export OPENAI_API_KEY=""
You can then test it with:
echo "My diff" | lazycommit
If you try to commit with git commit --verbose
this will open up your default
terminal editor and also provide diffs of your changes.
You can also provide a setting in your .gitconfig
and this way you will not
be required to provide verbose flag each time.
verbose = true
If your default editor is VIM and when Git asks you for commit message you can then execute the command below at the top of the buffer you will get back the commit message from LLM.
To try a different message just undo the change and try executing command again.
:r !< % lazycommit
You could keybind this like this (Leader gc).
nnoremap <Leader>gc :r !< % lazycommit<cr>
- Add local model suppor through Ollama.
- Add Anthropic Claude support.