Package agent is the core Mistify Agent for managing a hypervisor. It runs local on the hypervisor and exposes an HTTP API for managing virtual machines.
Mistify Agent provides a REST-ish API for manipulating a hypervisor and defines a general set of actions. It is primarilly an interface to the sub-agents, which do most of the work. Sub-agents are assumed to be running on the same host as the agent and communication is done via JSON-RPC over HTTP.
The data structures for the REST API are defined in:
The data structures for the RPC API are defined in:
Sub-agents do not have to be written in Go, but the agent does provide helpers for easily creating them. All of the official sub-agents are written in Go.
There are two types of sub-agents:
images/storage - Mistify will provide an opinionated version that uses ZFS ZVOLs for guest disks.
guest "actions" - create/delete/reboot/etc.
Only one storage sub-agent is used, but multiple guest sub-agents may be used.
While there is a defined set of actions, the work performed is configurable. Each action has a pipeline, a series of one or more steps that need to be performed to complete the action, configurable in the config file. All steps must succeed, in order, for an action to be considered successful.
There are three action types:
Info - Information retrieval actions, such as getting a list of guests, called synchronously at request time. A JSON result is returned to the requesting client when the pipeline is complete.
Async - Modification actions, such as rebooting a guest, called asynchronously. One action per guest is performed at a time, while the rest are queued. A response containing the job id in the header X-Guest-Job-ID is returned after queueing the action, which can be used to check the status at a later time.
Stream - Data retrieval, such as downloading a zfs snapshot, called synchronously at request time. Rather than a JSON response, data is streamed back in chunks.
Valid actions are defined in:
* GET - Retrieve the hypervisor's metadata
* PATCH - Modify the hypervisor's metadata
* GET - Retrieve a list of disk images
* POST - Fetch a disk image
* GET - Retrieve information about a disk image
* DELETE - Delete a disk image
* GET - Retrieve a list of container images
* POST - Fetch a container image
* GET - Retrieve information about a container image
* DELETE - Delete a container image
* GET - Retrieve a list of guests
* POST - Create a new guest
* GET - Retrieve information about a guest
* GET - Retrieve a list of recent action jobs for the guest
* GET - Retrieve information about a specific action job
* GET - Retrieve a guest's metadata
* PATCH - Modify the guest's metadata
* GET - Retrieve guest CPU metrics
* GET - Retrieve guest disk metrics
* GET - Retrieve guest NIC metrics
Actions: shutdown, reboot, restart, poweroff, start, suspend, delete
* GET - Perform the specified action for the guest
* GET - Retrieve a list of snapshots
* POST - Create a new snapshot
* GET - Retrieve information about a snapshot
* DELETE - Delete a snapshot
* POST - Roll back to the snapshot
* GET - Download the snapshot
See the guidelines:
const (
// MaxLoggedJobs configures how many jobs to prune the log to
MaxLoggedJobs int = 1000
// Queued is the queued job status
Queued JobStatus = "Queued"
// Running is the running job status
Running JobStatus = "Running"
// Complete is the complete job status
Complete JobStatus = "Complete"
// Errored is the errored job status
Errored JobStatus = "Error"
var (
// ErrNotFound is the error for a resouce not found
ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
func AttachProfiler(router *mux.Router)
AttachProfiler enables debug profiling exposed on http api endpoints
func LogRunnerError(guestID string, runnerName string, pipelineID string, logLine string)
LogRunnerError writes error logs
func LogRunnerInfo(guestID string, runnerName string, pipelineID string, logLine string)
LogRunnerInfo writes informational logs
func Run(ctx *Context, address string) error
Run prepares and runs the http server
type Action struct {
Name string
Type config.ActionType
Stages []*Stage
Action is a full set of stage templates required to complete an action
func (action *Action) GeneratePipeline(request interface{}, response interface{}, rw http.ResponseWriter, done chan error) *Pipeline
GeneratePipeline creates an instance of Pipeline based on an action's stages and supplied request & response. It is returned so that any additional modifications (such as adding stage args to requests) can be made before running if needed.
type Context struct {
Config *config.Config
Actions map[string]*Action
Services map[string]*Service
GuestRunners map[string]*GuestRunner
GuestRunnerMutex sync.Mutex
JobLog *JobLog
Context is the core of the Agent.
func NewContext(cfg *config.Config) (*Context, error)
NewContext creates a new context. In general, there should only be one.
func (ctx *Context) CreateJobLog() error
CreateJobLog creates a new job log
func (ctx *Context) DeleteGuest(g *client.Guest) error
DeleteGuest removes a guest from the data store
func (context *Context) DeleteGuestRunner(guestID string)
DeleteGuestRunner deletes a GuestRunner
func (ctx *Context) GetAction(name string) (*Action, error)
GetAction looks up an action by name
func (context *Context) GetAgentRunner() (*GuestRunner, error)
GetAgentRunner retrieves the main agent runner
func (ctx *Context) GetGuest(id string) (*client.Guest, error)
GetGuest fetches a single guest
func (context *Context) GetGuestRunner(guestID string) (*GuestRunner, error)
GetGuestRunner retrieves a GuestRunner
func (ctx *Context) GetJobLog() (*JobLog, error)
GetJobLog retrieves a job log
func (context *Context) NewGuestRunner(guestID string, maxInfo uint, maxStream uint) *GuestRunner
NewGuestRunner creates a new GuestRunner
func (ctx *Context) NewService(name string, port uint, path string, maxConcurrent uint) (*Service, error)
NewService creates a new Service
func (ctx *Context) PersistGuest(g *client.Guest) error
PersistGuest writes guest data to the data store
func (ctx *Context) RunGuests() error
RunGuests creates and runs helpers for each defined guest. In general, this should only be called early in a process There is no locking provided.
type Guest struct {
Guest is a "helper struct"
type GuestRunner struct {
Context *Context
GuestID string
Info *SyncThrottle
Stream *SyncThrottle
Async *PipelineQueue
QuitChan chan struct{}
GuestRunner manages actions being performed for a guest
func (gr *GuestRunner) Process(pipeline *Pipeline) error
Process directs actions into sync or async handling depending on the type
func (gr *GuestRunner) Quit()
Quit shuts down a GuestRunner
type HTTPError struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
Code int `json:"code"`
Stack []string `json:"stack"`
HTTPError is an enhanced error struct for http error responses
func NewHTTPError(code int, err error) *HTTPError
NewHTTPError prepares an HTTPError with a stack trace
func (e *HTTPError) Error() string
type HTTPResponse struct {
HTTPResponse is a wrapper for http.ResponseWriter which provides access to several convenience methods
func (hr *HTTPResponse) JSON(code int, obj interface{})
JSON writes appropriate headers and JSON body to the http response
func (hr *HTTPResponse) JSONError(code int, err error)
JSONError prepares an HTTPError with a stack trace and writes it with HTTPResponse.JSON
func (hr *HTTPResponse) JSONMsg(code int, msg string)
JSONMsg is a convenience method to write a JSON response with just a message string
type Job struct {
ID string
GuestID string
Action string
QueuedAt time.Time
StartedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
Status JobStatus
Message string
Job holds information about a job
type JobLog struct {
GuestID string
Context *Context
ModifyMutex sync.RWMutex
Index map[string]int
GuestIndex map[string][]int
Jobs []*Job
JobLog holds the most recent jobs for a guest
func (jobLog *JobLog) AddJob(jobID, guestID, action string) error
AddJob adds a job to the log
func (jobLog *JobLog) GetJob(jobID string) (*Job, error)
GetJob retrieves a job from the log based on job id
func (jobLog *JobLog) GetLatestGuestJobs(guestID string, limit int) []*Job
GetLatestGuestJobs returns the latest X jobs in the log for a guest
func (jobLog *JobLog) GetLatestJobs(limit int) []*Job
GetLatestJobs returns the latest X jobs in the log
func (jobLog *JobLog) Persist() error
Persist saves a job log
func (jobLog *JobLog) UpdateJob(jobID string, action string, status JobStatus, message string) error
UpdateJob updates a job's status and timing information
type JobStatus string
JobStatus is the string status of a job
type Pipeline struct {
ID string
Action string
Type config.ActionType
Stages []*Stage
PreStageFunc func(*Pipeline, *Stage) error
PostStageFunc func(*Pipeline, *Stage) error
DoneChan chan error // Signal async is done or errored, for post-hooks
Pipeline is a full set of stage instances required to complete an action
func (pipeline *Pipeline) Run() error
Run executes each stage in the pipeline. It bails out as soon as an error is encountered
type PipelineQueue struct {
GuestID string
Name string
Context *Context
PipelineChan chan *Pipeline
QuitChan chan struct{}
PipelineQueue holds asyncronous action pipelines
func NewPipelineQueue(name string, guestID string, context *Context) *PipelineQueue
NewPipelineQueue creates a new PipelineQueue
func (pq *PipelineQueue) Enqueue(pipeline *Pipeline)
Enqueue queues an async action
func (pq *PipelineQueue) Process()
Process monitors the queue and kicks off async actions
func (pq *PipelineQueue) Quit()
Quit signals the pipeline queue to stop processing after the current action
type Service struct {
Client *rpc.Client
Name string
Service is an RPC service
type Stage struct {
Service *Service
Type config.ActionType
Method string
Args map[string]string
Request interface{}
Response interface{}
RW http.ResponseWriter // For streaming responses
Stage is a single step an action must take
func (stage *Stage) Run() error
Run makes an individual stage request
type SyncThrottle struct {
GuestID string
Name string
ConcurrentChan chan struct{}
QuitChan chan struct{}
SyncThrottle throttles synchronous actions
func NewSyncThrottle(name string, guestID string, maxConcurrency uint) *SyncThrottle
NewSyncThrottle creates a new SyncThrottle
func (st *SyncThrottle) Process(pipeline *Pipeline) error
Process runs an action
func (st *SyncThrottle) Release()
Release signals that the action is done
func (st *SyncThrottle) Reserve()
Reserve blocks until an action is allowed to run based on throttling
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