MSAK is a tool written in Python to help discovering and testing exposed standard and custom services of ModBus Servers/Slaves over Serial or TCP/IP connections. It also offers a highly customizable payload generator that will help the tester to perform complex scans using a simple but powerful templating format.
It was created to facilitate the security analysis of Modbus systems, as described on Minded Security Blog.
Use --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
usage: [-h] [--tcp] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--serial] [-p PATH] [--speed BAUDS] [--parity PARITY] [--bytesize BYTESIZE] [--stopbits STOPBITS] [--no-crc] [-v VERBOSITY]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--id SLAVE_ADDRESS] [-f FUNCTION_CODE] [-S] [-D] [-C] [-R] -d DATA_PAYLOAD
ModBus Swiss Army Knife [M-SAK]. Based on Specification:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--tcp Connect through TCP
--host HOST The hostname of the ModBus Server
--port PORT The port of the ModBus Server
--serial Connect through Serial (RTU)
-p PATH Serial device path (defaults /dev/ttyUSB0)
--speed BAUDS Serial device speed (defaults 19200)
--parity PARITY Serial device parity (defaults NONE 'N')
--bytesize BYTESIZE Serial device bytesize (defaults 8)
--stopbits STOPBITS Serial device stopbits (defaults 1)
--no-crc Do not append the CRC
-v VERBOSITY Verbosity Level (0-4)
--timeout TIMEOUT Timeout for Serial Responses (defaults 0.3s)
--id SLAVE_ADDRESS Slave Address (defaults 1)
-f FUNCTION_CODE Function code (int)
-S Services Scan
-D Diagnostic Scan (defaults Function = 7 )
-C Custom Scan
-R Raw Packet
-d DATA_PAYLOAD Data payload (hexdump style) OR see custom payload definition if using custom scan option -C
Usage Examples:
#Create ModBusPacket with PDU for slave 1 function code 3 data (PDU )
msak --tcp --host --port 5020 --id 1 -f 3 -d '0001' # For TCP (will add the header +PDU > )
msak --serial -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --id 1 -f 3 -d '0001' # For RTU Serial (will add slaveId and CRC > 0)
#Create Raw Packet
msak --serial -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -R -d '010300013018' --no-crc # without CRC
#Scan all function codes:
msak --serial -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -S -d '01030'
Scan all functions codes [1-127] using the given payload and then will print a summary grouped according to the responses:
python3 -S -d '0001'
Requested Data \x01\x01\x00\x01\x91\xD8
Requested Data \x01\x02\x00\x01\x91\xD8
Requested Data \x01\x03\x00\x01\x91\xD8
Scan all diagnostic codes [1-255] using the given payload and then will print a summary grouped according to the responses:
$ python3 -D -d '0001'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data: b'\x00\x01'
Requested Data \x01\x07\x00\x01\x00\x01\x24\x0A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data: b'\x00\x01'
Requested Data \x01\x07\x00\x02\x00\x01\xD4\x0A
It's possible to create custom multiple payloads using a templating format.
In particular it's possible to use the following special sequences:
- RANGE: {R[min,max,pack_format]}: Creates a sequence of numbers from min to max and encodes it using the struct.pack format ('B','>H' etc). It will create (max-min) payloads.
- RANDOM: {r{bytesequence_length, ar_len}}: Creates an array of 'ar_len' length where each element is a randome sequence of bytes of 'bytesequence_length' length
- ARRAY: {[n1, n2, n3 ...]}: Adds to the payload the numbers and will create a set of payload according to the length of the array.
- FROM FILE: {@/path/to/file}: using @ char the sequence will be taken from a file.
- CONSTANT: 00-FF: will create a single byte.
When completed it will print a summary grouped according to the responses.
python3 -C -d '0001{[0,3]}'
will scan the slave using the following 2 payloads:
python3 -C -d '0001{R[0,3,">H"]}FF{r[3,2]}00'
will scan the slave using the following set of generated payloads:
Based on
Big Endian (most significant byte first)
ADU = | MasterID | PDU | CRC | = |1 Byte MasterID| PDU | 2 Bytes CRCH+CRCL |
PDU = | Function ID | DATA |
MasterID = 1 Byte = 0-255 ( 0 Broadcast / 1-247 Unicast / 248-155 Reserved)
Function ID = 1 Byte = 1-255 / 127-255 for exception response codes)
SubFunctionID = 1Byte (only for Diagnostics and custom functions)
DATA = Depends on FunctionID
Modbus PDU packet: _PDU_ = <FunctionCode(1Byte)><Data(nBytes)>
Modbus TCP Packet: <TransId(2Bytes)>0000<LenghtOfPDU(2Bytes)><SlaveId(1Byte)><_PDU_>