Configure the openssh server used by ansible to connect to the machine to use another port, without losing the connection.
This role requires the community.general
In your hosts file, set the port you want to use for the standard openssh server by setting the ansible_port
variable. For example, to configure the host
to use port 222, add to your hosts file: ansible_port=222
Then you can use a playbook like:
- hosts:
- mikapfl.reconfigure_ssh_port
gather_facts: no
Note that you have to use gather_facts: no
and should ideally reconfigure the ssh port as the first step in a multi-step playbook. Facts will be gathered after the ssh port is reconfigured automatically.
Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright 2021 PIK Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research e.V.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.
This role was written by Mika Pflüger (@mikapfl) based on work by David Moreau Simard [email protected].