Aren't you müde from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying "scheiße" a lot? Would you like to try something different, in an exotic and funny-sounding language? Would you want to bring some German touch to your programs?
rost (German for Rust) is here to save your day, as it allows you to write Rust programs in German, using German keywords, German function names, German idioms.
You don't feel at ease using only German words? Don't worry! German Rust is fully compatible with English-Rust, so you can mix both at your convenience.
Here's an example of what can be achieved with Rost:
rost::rost! {
benutze std::sammlungen::Wörterbuch als Wöbu;
eigenschaft SchlüsselWert {
fk schreibe(&selbst, schlsl: Zeichenkette, wert: Zeichenkette);
fk lese(&selbst, schlsl: Zeichenkette) -> Ergebnis<Möglichkeit<&Zeichenkette>, Zeichenkette>;
statisch änd WÖRTERBUCH: Möglichkeit<Wöbu<Zeichenkette, Zeichenkette>> = Nichts;
struktur Konkret;
umstz SchlüsselWert für Konkret {
fk schreibe(&selbst, schlsl: Zeichenkette, wert: Zeichenkette) {
lass wöbu = gefährlich {
wöbu.einfügen(schlsl, wert);
fk lese(&selbst, schlsl: Zeichenkette) -> Ergebnis<Möglichkeit<&Zeichenkette>, Zeichenkette> {
wenn lass Etwas(wöbu) = gefährlich { WÖRTERBUCH.als_ref() } {
} anderenfalls {
Fehler("Holt das Wörterbuch".hinein())
See the examples to get a rough sense of the whole syntax. Gut so!
First of all, vielen Dank for considering participating to this joke, the
German government will thank you later! Feel free to throw in a few identifiers
here and there, and open a pull-request against the hauptzweig
(German for
main branch
). The initial translation was made by Shemnei and michidk.
WTFPL. The images do not fall under this license, see below.
Image attributions:
- "Brezel und Filzhut zum Oktoberfest" by Tim Reckmann | is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Lederhose" is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0