Algorithm for charging-up calculations in Micro Patterned Gaseous Detectors such GEM and THGEM, developed in Garfield++
This is a short manual for the simulation tool-kit of charging up process in THGEMs.
updated on February 2018
- Pedro Correia [[email protected]]
- Michael Pitt [[email protected]]
- P. M. M. Correia and M. Pitt, "Charging-up algorithm for garfield++”, 2018.
- P. M. M. Correia, M. Pitt et al., “Simulation of gain stability of THGEM gas-avalanche particle detectors “, JINST (2018) 13 P01015
- Integrate the code with GarfieldPP
- Run with bsub (working on lxplus)
Checking out the code:
git clone
set up GARFIELD_HOME env
set up root5.X
lsetup "root 5.34.21-x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt"
compile the code
now you are ready to run the code, there are two examples in the Ansys folder, in order to use them, first need to unzip the folders, excecute the simulation in the run directory
cd run
tar -zxvf ../Ansys/THGEM_pitch1.0mm_thickness0.4mm_holediameter0.5mm_rim0.50mm_slices22_ed0.5_ei0.5kVcm-1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ../Ansys/THGEM_pitch1.0mm_thickness0.4mm_holediameter0.5mm_rim0.70mm_slices22_ed0.5_ei0.5kVcm-1.tar.gz
❗❗❗ Once the simulation will be launched, the files will be modified. ❗❗❗
❗❗❗ don't run several simulations on the same folder, duplicate the folders to /tmp/ ❗❗❗
Modify ListRun.txt
accorging to what you need, and run:
./ ListRun.txt
the macro, will create an executable file in the /tmp/ directory, and will write the file that need to be executed. execute the suggested command to start the simulation. In the uploaded example, you should run:
source /tmp/$LOGNAME/ChargingUP_Gas_ar95-co2_t_0.4_rim_0.50_900V_np_50_step1000000_iter5/
the output will be in the
folder, you can combine all file in a single ROOT file using next lines:
localSetupSFT --cmtConfig=x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt pyanalysis/1.4_python2.7
./ /tmp/$LOGNAME/ChargingUP_Gas_ar95-co2_t_0.4_rim_0.50_900V_np_50_step1000000_iter5
now you can analyze the output by modifying fist line in, and running it with root
root -l