This is a short example on how to generate custom datasets for libtorch. The CustomDataset
class in custom_dataset.h implements a torch::data::Dataset
. It loads the image locations from file_names.csv into a std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int>>
, so that the CustomDataset
can load images at runtime with the get method using OpenCV. You may want to change this and load all images to the RAM, since this may significantly speed up training if you are not using SSDs.
Fig. 2: (Left) An apple in the dataset, (Right) a banana in the dataset.
Make sure to get libtorch running. For a clean installation from Anaconda, checkout this short tutorial, or this tutorial, to only download the binaries.
Clone this repository
git clone
cd libtorch_custom_dataset
Build the executables
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libtorch ..
Train the classifier
cd build
Classify an image
cd build
./classify filename
# for example
./classify ../data/apples/img0.jpg
The dataset is a modified version of a dataset that can be found on Kaggle. Especially the training loop is inspired by an implementation of Peter Goldsborough for the MNIST dataset in the PyTorch example repository.