These are my dotfiles. There are many like it, but these ones are mine. Feel free to use anything from these files. They help me setup my computer with ease and I can use it with macOS and Debian/Ubuntu systems.
- Main Packages:
- Bash + bash-completion + git-prompt + z
- Homebrew, homebrew-cask, Linuxbrew
- Node.js + npm + nvm + ember-cli + vtop
- PHP + composer
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Heroku Toolbelt, Virtualbox, Vagrant
- Git + hub + scm_breeze
- Ruby + chruby + ruby-install + Rails
- Tmux + tpm
- Vim + vim-plug
- Go
Installation on macOS requires these commands first:
sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dofiles
. bootstrap/
The resources below were extremely helpful in creating these dotfiles. Thank you to everyone on this list, I appreciate the inspiration and tools that you've created.
- Homebrew / FAQ
- homebrew-cask / usage
- dotfiles community
- Ryan Bates dotfiles
- holman's dotfiles
- webpro's dotfiles
If you would like to contribute to these dotfiles, submit a Pull Request with a good commit message. Contributions are more then welcome, however please make sure that your commit message is clear and understandable.
If you like these dotfiles follow the repository on Github and if you are feeling extra nice, follow the author mgm702 on Twitter or Github.