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Compositional JSON encode/decode library and PPX for Melange and OCaml


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Compositional JSON encode/decode library and PPX for Melange.

Based on @glennsl/bs-json.

The Decode module in particular provides a basic set of decoder functions to be composed into more complex decoders. A decoder is a function that takes a Js.Json.t and either returns a value of the desired type if successful or raises an Of_json_error exception if not. Other functions accept a decoder and produce another decoder. Like array, which when given a decoder for type t will return a decoder that tries to produce a value of type t array. So to decode an int array you combine with Melange_json.Of_json.array into Melange_json.Of_json.(array int). An array of arrays of ints? Melange_json.Of_json.(array (array int)). Dict containing arrays of ints? Melange_json.Of_json.(dict (array int)).


type line = {
  start: point,
  end_: point,
  thickness: option(int)
and point = {
  x: int,
  y: int

module Decode = {
  let point = json =>
      x: json |> field("x", int),
      y: json |> field("y", int)

  let line = json =>
      start:     json |> field("start", point),
      end_:      json |> field("end", point),
      thickness: json |> try_or_none(field("thickness", int))

let data = {| {
  "start": { "x": 1, "y": -4 },
  "end":   { "x": 5, "y": 8 }
} |};

let line = data |> Melange_json.of_string
                |> Decode.line;

NOTE: Melange_json.Of_json.{ ... } creates an ordinary record, but also opens the Melange_json.Of_json module locally, within the scope delimited by the curly braces, so we don't have to qualify the functions we use from it, like field, int and try_or_none here. You can also use Melange_json.Of_json.( ... ) to open the module locally within the parentheses, if you're not creating a record.

See examples for more.


Install opam package manager.


opam install melange-json


Add melange-json to the libraries field in your dune file:

; ...
  (libraries melange-json)
; ...



For the moment, please see the interface files:

Writing custom decoders and encoders

If you look at the type signature of Melange_json.Decode.array, for example, you'll see it takes an 'a decoder and returns an 'a array decoder. 'a decoder is just an alias for Js.Json.t -> 'a, so if we expand the type signature of array we'll get (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> Js.Json.t -> 'a array. We can now see that it is a function that takes a decoder and returns a function, itself a decoder. Applying the int decoder to array will give us an int array decoder, a function Js.Json.t -> int array.

If you've written a function that takes just Js.Json.t and returns user-defined types of your own, you've already been writing composable decoders! Let's look at Decode.point from the example above:

let point = json => {
  open! Melange_json.Decode;
    x: json |> field("x", int),
    y: json |> field("y", int)

This is a function Js.Json.t -> point, or a point decoder. So if we'd like to decode an array of points, we can just pass it to Melange_json.Of_json.array to get a point array decoder in return.


To write a decoder builder like Melange_json.Of_json.array we need to take another decoder as an argument, and thanks to currying we just need to apply it where we'd otherwise use a fixed decoder. Say we want to be able to decode both int points and float points. First we'd have to parameterize the type:

type point('a) = {
  x: 'a,
  y: 'a

Then we can change our point function from above to take and use a decoder argument:

let point = (decodeNumber, json) => {
  open! Melange_json.Decode;
    x: json |> field("x", decodeNumber),
    y: json |> field("y", decodeNumber)

And if we wish we can now create aliases for each variant:

let intPoint = point(;
let floatPoint = point(Melange_json.Of_json.float);


Encoders work exactly the same way, just in reverse. 'a encoder is just an alias for 'a -> Js.Json.t, and this also transfers to composition: 'a encoder -> 'a array encoder expands to ('a -> Js.Json.t) -> 'a array -> Js.Json.t.

PPX for Melange

A ppx deriver plugin is provided to automatically convert Melange values to and from JSON.


The PPX is included in the melange-json package. To use it, just add the dune configuration to your project:

 (modes melange)
 (preprocess (pps melange-json.ppx)))


To generate JSON converters for a type, add the [@@deriving json] attribute to the type declaration, ensuring the converters for primitives like int and string are in scope if necessary:

open Melange_json.Primitives

type t = {
  a: int;
  b: string;
} [@@deriving json]

This will generate the following pair of functions:

val of_json : Js.Json.t -> t
val to_json : t -> Js.Json.t

Generating JSON converters from type expressions

You can also generate JSON converters for a type expression using the to_json and of_json extension points:

let json = [%to_json: int * string] (42, "foo")

[@json.default E]: default values for records

You can specify default values for record fields using the [@json.default E] attribute:

type t = {
  a: int;
  b: string [@json.default "-"];
} [@@deriving of_json]

let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"a": 42}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = "-"; } *)

[@json.allow_extra_fields] on records

Sometimes, the JSON objects might contain keys that are not part of the OCaml type definition. The [@json.allow_extra_fields] attribute allows you to gracefully ignore such additional fields instead of raising an error during deserialization.

This attribute can be used on records, even when they are embedded in other types.

Note: For the Melange PPX, ignoring extra fields is the default behavior - you don't need to explicitly add the [@json.allow_extra_fields] attribute. The attribute is primarily useful for the native PPX where strict field checking is the default.

Example 1: Ignoring extra fields in records

type allow_extra_fields = {
  a: int;
} [@@deriving json] [@@json.allow_extra_fields]

let t = allow_extra_fields_of_json (Json.parseOrRaise {|{"a": 42, "extra": "ignore me"}|})
(* t = { a = 42 } *)

The additional key "extra" in the JSON input is ignored, and the record is successfully deserialized.

Example 2: Ignoring extra fields in inline records

type allow_extra_fields2 = 
  | A of { a: int } [@json.allow_extra_fields] 
  [@@deriving json]

let t = allow_extra_fields2_of_json (Json.parseOrRaise {|{"tag": "A", "a": 42, "extra": "ignore me"}|})
(* t = A { a = 42 } *)

In this case, the [@json.allow_extra_fields] attribute is applied directly to the inline record in the variant constructor. This allows the variant to ignore extra fields in the JSON payload while properly deserializing the fields that match the type definition.

[@json.option]: a shortcut for [@json.default None]

When a field has type _ option then you can use the [@json.option] attribute to specify that the default value is None:

type t = {
  a: int;
  b: string option [@json.option];
} [@@deriving of_json]

let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"a": 42}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = None; } *)

[@json.drop_default]: drop default values from JSON

When a field has [@option] attribute one can use [@json.drop_default] attribute to make the generated to_json function to drop the field if it's value is None:

type t = {
  a: int;
  b: string option [@json.option] [@json.drop_default];
} [@@deriving to_json]

let t = to_json { a = 1; b = None; }
(* {"a": 1} *)

[@json.key "S"]: customizing keys for record fields

You can specify custom keys for record fields using the [@json.key E] attribute:

type t = {
  a: int [@json.key "A"];
  b: string [@json.key "B"];
} [@@deriving of_json]

let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"A": 42, "B": "foo"}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = "foo"; } *)

[ "S"]: customizing the representation of a variant case

You can specify custom representation for a variant case using the [ E] attribute:

type t = A | B [ "bbb"] [@@deriving json]

let json = to_json B
(* "bbb" *)

[@@deriving json_string]: a shortcut for JSON string conversion

For convenience, one can use [@@deriving json_string] to generate converters directly to and from JSON strings:

type t = A [@@deriving json, json_string]

let "\"A\"" = to_json_string A
let A = of_json_string "\"A\""

Similarly, there's [@@deriving to_json_string] and [@@deriving of_json_string] to generate the converters separately.

PPX for OCaml native

A similar PPX is exposed in the melange-json-native package, which works with the yojson JSON representation instead of Js.Json.t.


The PPX is included in melange-json-native package, so that package will have to be installed first:

opam install melange-json-native

To use it, add the dune configuration to your project:

 (preprocess (pps melange-json-native.ppx)))


From the usage perspective, the PPX is similar to the Melange one:

type t = {
  a: int;
  b: string;
} [@@deriving json]

This will generate the following pair of functions:

val of_json : Yojson.Basic.json -> t
val to_json : t -> Yojson.Basic.json

Refer to the PPX for Melange section for more details on usage patterns.


This work is dual-licensed under LGPL 3.0 and MPL 2.0. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.

Please see LICENSE.LGPL-3.0 and LICENSE.MPL-2.0 for the full text of each license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 OR MPL-2.0