- Integrating long-range connectivity information into de Bruijn graphs Turner I, Garimella K, Iqbal Z, McVean G (Bioinformatics; Advanced access 15 March 2018) https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty157/4938484
Multi-sample de novo assembly and variant calling using Linked de bruijn graphs. Variant calling with and without a reference genome. Between closely related samples or highly diverged ones. From bacterial to mammalian genomes. Minimal configuration. And it's free.
Isaac Turner's rewrite of cortex_var, to handle larger populations with better genome assembly, as a set of modular commands. PhD supervisor: Prof Gil McVean. Collaborators: Zam Iqbal, Kiran Garimella. Based at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford.
27 May 2018
Branch | Status |
master: | |
develop: | |
code analysis: |
McCortex compiles with clang and gcc. Tested on Mac OS X and linux. Requires zlib. Download with:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mcveanlab/mccortex
Install dependencies (for htslib) on mac:
brew update
brew install xz
Or on linux:
sudo apt install liblzma-dev libbz2-dev
sudo apt install r-base-core #Â if you want to plot with R
To compile for a maximum kmer size of 31:
make all
to compile for a maximum kmer size of 63:
make MAXK=63 all
Executables appear in the bin/
Download and compile McCortex. Can be in any directory, later I'll assume it's in ~/mccortex/
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mcveanlab/mccortex
cd mccortex
make all MAXK=31
make all MAXK=63
Now write a file detailing your samples and their data. Columns are separated by one or more spaces/tabs. File entries are separated by commas. Paired-end read files are separated by a colon ':'. File paths can be relative to the current directory or absolute. Most fileformats are supported:
cd /path/to/your/data
echo "#sample_name SE_files PE_files interleaved_files" > samples.txt
echo "Mickey a.fa,b.fa reads.1.fq.gz:reads.2.fq.gz ." >> samples.txt
echo "Minney . reads.1.fq.gz:reads.2.fq.gz in.bam" >> samples.txt
echo "Pluto seq.fq . pluto.cram" >> samples.txt
Create a job file from your sample file (samples.txt
). All output will go into the directory we specify (mc_calls
). We also specify the kmer(s) to use. We'll run at k=31
and k=61
and merge the results.
If your data are haploid, we set --ploidy 1
~/mccortex/scripts/make-pipeline.pl -r /path/to/ref.fa --ploidy 1 31,61 mc_calls samples.txt > job.k31.k61.mk
If your samples are human, you have a mix of haploid and diploid chromosomes. Therefore you need to specify which samples have only one copy of chrX
and one of chrY
. The format is -P <sample>:<chr>:<ploidy>
where <sample>
and <chr>
can be comma-separated lists. Ploidy arguments are read in order.
~/mccortex/scripts/make-pipeline.pl -r /path/to/ref.fa --ploidy "-P .:.:2 -P .:chrY:1 -P Mickey:chrX:1" 31,61 mc_calls samples.txt > job.k31.k61.mk
Now you're ready to run. You'll need to pass:
- path to McCortex
- how much memory to use
(2GB for ten E. coli, 70GB for a human) - number of threads to use
Run the job file:
make -f job.k31.k61.mk CTXDIR=~/mccortex MEM=70GB NTHREADS=8 \
JOINT_CALLING=yes USE_LINKS=no brk-geno-vcf
For a human genome, running time will be about 8 hours for a single sample and use about 70GB RAM. For small numbers of similar samples, peak memory usage will remain the same as a single sample, and should increase roughly logarithmically with the number of samples.
Job finished? Your results are in: mc_calls/vcfs/breakpoints.joint.plain.k31.k61.geno.vcf.gz
Something go wrong? Take a look at the log file of the last command that ran. You may need to increase memory or compile for a different MAXK=
value. Once you've fixed the issue, just rerun the make -f job...
command. Add --dry-run
to the make
command to see which commands are going to be run without running them.
De novo genotyping: once de Bruijn graphs have been constructed, they can be used to genotype existing call sets (VCF+ref) without using mapped reads. See the wiki.
usage: mccortex31 <command> [options] <args>
version: ctx=XXXX zlib=1.2.5 htslib=1.2.1 ASSERTS=ON hash=Lookup3 CHECKS=ON k=3..31
Commands: breakpoints use a trusted assembled genome to call large events
bubbles find bubbles in graph which are potential variants
build construct cortex graph from FASTA/FASTQ/BAM
calls2vcf convert bubble/breakpoint calls to VCF
check load and check graph (.ctx) and path (.ctp) files
clean clean errors from a graph
contigs assemble contigs for a sample
correct error correct reads
coverage print contig coverage
dist make colour kmer distance matrix
index index a sorted cortex graph file
inferedges infer graph edges between kmers before calling `thread`
join combine graphs, filter graph intersections
links clean and plot link files (.ctp)
pjoin merge link files (.ctp)
popbubbles pop bubbles in the population graph
pview text view of a cortex link file (.ctp)
reads filter reads against a graph
rmsubstr reduce set of strings to remove substrings
server interactively query the graph
sort sort the kmers in a graph file
subgraph filter a subgraph using seed kmers
thread thread reads through cleaned graph to make links
uniqkmers generate random unique kmers
unitigs pull out unitigs in FASTA, DOT or GFA format
vcfcov coverage of a VCF against cortex graphs
vcfgeno genotype a VCF after running vcfcov
view text view of a cortex graph file (.ctx)
Type a command with no arguments to see help.
Common Options:
-h, --help Help message
-q, --quiet Silence status output normally printed to STDERR
-f, --force Overwrite output files if they already exist
-m, --memory <M> Memory e.g. 1GB [default: 1GB]
-n, --nkmers <H> Hash entries [default: 4M, ~4 million]
-t, --threads <T> Limit on proccessing threads [default: 2]
-o, --out <file> Output file
-p, --paths <in.ctp> Assembly file to load (can specify multiple times)
Type a command with no arguments to see usage. The following may also be useful:
- wiki
- website
- mailing list
- Report a bug / feature request on GitHub
- Email me: Isaac Turner [email protected]
Issues can be submitted on github. Pull requests welcome. Please add your name to the AUTHORS file. Code should compile on mac/linux with clang/gcc without errors or warnings.
More on the wiki
Unit tests are run with make test
and integration tests with cd tests; ./run
. Both of these test suites are run automatically with Travis CI when commits are pushed to GitHub.
Static analysis can be run with cppcheck:
cppcheck src
or with clang:
rm -rf bin/mccortex31
scan-build make RECOMPILE=1
Occasionally we also run Coverity Scan. This is done by pushing to the coverity_scan
branch on github, which triggers Travis CI to upload the latest code to Coverity.
git checkout coverity_scan
git merge develop
git checkout --ours .travis.yml
Bundled libraries may have different licenses:
- BitArray (Public Domain)
- CityHash (MIT)
- htslib (MIT)
- lookup3 (Public Domain)
- madcrowlib (MIT)
- msg-pool (Public Domain)
- seq-align (Public Domain)
- seq_file (Public Domain)
- sort_r (Public Domain)
- carrays (Public Domain)
- string_buffer (Public Domain)
- xxHash (BSD)
Used in testing:
- bcftools (MIT)
- bioinf-perl (Public Domain)
- bwa (MIT)
- readsim (Public Domain)
- samtools (MIT)
- bfc (MIT)
If you find McCortex useful, please cite our paper:
- Integrating long-range connectivity information into de Bruijn graphs Turner I, Garimella K, Iqbal Z, McVean G (Bioinformatics) (Advanced access 15 March 2018) https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty157/4938484
Other Cortex papers:
- De novo assembly and genotyping of variants using colored de Bruijn graphs, Iqbal(), Caccamo(), Turner, Flicek, McVean (Nature Genetics) (2012) (doi:10.1038/ng.1028) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3272472
- High-throughput microbial population genomics using the Cortex variation assembler, Iqbal, Turner, McVean (Bioinformatics) (Nov 2012) (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts673) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23172865