This repo is forked from cdarwin/go-koans. I am adding the solutions in an encrypted
form (<filename>_solution.gpg
) so I can still access the solutions at a later
date and don't spoil the fun for others. Cheers!
Warning: These steps won't work for you, because you don't have my GPG key :stuck_out_tongue:. They're just for me in the future if I want to access the solutions
- Encrypt
gpg --output about_<name>_solution.gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient [email protected] about_<name>.go
- Decrypt
gpg --output about_<name>.go --decrypt about_<name>_solution.gpg
Since I love bash and am lazy enough to not want to repeat uninteresting stuff , here are a few points related to solving these koans.
- I was having to run
go test
every time I made the changes, so I made the command run every time I saved the file
git clone && cd $_
while true; do
inotifywait -qe modify,create,delete -r $PWD -o /dev/null &&\
clear && \
docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/go/src/ -w /go/src/ golang:1.11-alpine go test
- Trying to access the solution or encrypting the solution, you'll have to run the encrypt or the decrypt steps for each and every file, but not if you do this
# Encrypt
for file in ./*.go; do
if [[ $file != *"setup_koans_test"* ]] && gpg --output "${file%%.go}_solution.gpg" --encrypt --armor --recipient [email protected] "$file"
# Decrypt
for file in ./*.gpg; do
gpg --batch --yes --output "${file%%_solution.gpg}.go" --decrypt "$file"