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Mathieu Vandeginste edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the Rando Changelog!


  • Feat: Fork from GR10 app with POIs, multiple trails
  • Feat: Add, remove, rename a trail and display on the map
  • Feat: Sort trails by distance, elevation and name
  • Feat: Trail details (distance, time, altitudes, elevations)
  • Feat: Trail elevation graph
  • Feat: Tiles management for a trail (download, remove)


  • Fix: Fix bugs about tiles management: trying to download tiles without internet (displaying an error alert instead of displaying it has been downloaded, which was wrong) and displaying "download" instead of "delete" after deletion to let the user download tiles again
  • Feat: Sort by date
  • Feat: Generate and display department/country for a trail (used for filtering)
  • Feat: Add favorites trails
  • Feat: Filter view including OnlyDisplayed, OnlyFavs and departments/countries
  • Feat: Brand new elevation algorithm far more accurate
  • Feat: Add polyline previews in Trails list
  • Feat: Add a driving directions button for a trail
  • Feat: Add a delete trail button for a trail (with option to remove or not associated downloaded tiles)
  • Feat: Add POIs (famous Pyrénées peaks)


  • Feat: Display multiple trails on the map
  • Feat: Pick a Color for the polyline
  • Fix: Fix binding bugs between a trail and the trails list (e.g. when displayedOnMap/isFavorite changes must be immediately applied)
  • Fix: Modals improvements (better UI/UX for map infos, POI info and Filter modals)


  • Fix: Fix broken IGN API, new API MAPS V2 with improved vectorial maps but less details instead
  • Fix: Fix dark mode issues with iOS 14


  • Feat: Reintroduce old IGN 25000 map, along with others (LayerView), removing useless and confusing options (offline mode, delete cache...)
  • Fix: Fix GPX import, works now with all GPX types
  • Chore: Migrate to Swift 5/SwiftUI 4 warnings (e.g. DocumentPicker) and UI fixes since iOS 15 (TabView not being translucent anymore)
  • Feat: Add landscape full screen mode hiding TabView
  • Fix: Improve UI (compass, others) on MacOS and iPadOS
  • Fix: Remove useless and annoying bottom sheets animations
  • Fix: Fix refreshing map bug (not rendering Trail or colors) + trail color in TrailPreview (TrailRow in TrailView) + persisting
  • Chore: Migrate to new Swift concurrency with async await wherever it's necessary (NetworkManager, TileManager)
  • Fix: Improve TileManager downloading status tracking with associated value enum downloading(id) so that progression can be recovered if we go to another trail and come back, instead of hiding it, and in this another trail UI warns about another download in progress and prevents multiple download at the same time (would be too slow)
  • Feat: Update TilesRow UI with all states (download, downloading, other download in progress, downloaded) with appropriate iCloud SF symbols and ProgressView (native by the way, removing old custom ProgressBar), Text, and ButtonStyle enabled (download) in blue or disabled (downloading, downloaded) in green
  • Fix: Fix bug downloading nothing if layer is not an overlay but a standard Maps mapType (standard, hybrid, flyover) instead with fallbackLayer (default == ign25 in that case), in other cases download the appropriate Tiles according to selected overlay layer
  • Chore: Refactor broken currentLayer (global var) / selectedLayer (Binding) system with just @Binding var selectedLayer: Layer and UserDefaults persisted setting, tracking overlays changes to avoid maps blinking checking all overlays (MKTileOverlay and Polyline) individually (comparing arrays of polylines with custom equal methods comparing UDID and colors)


  • Feat: Add new colors to the palette
  • Fix: Fix UI black backgrounds in lists with Split View in landscape (iPhone) or Mac/iPad and in ChartView
  • Feat: user choose now choose the layer to download for a trail, not just the default one, but it applies as default therefore. User can now check for each layer if the tiles have been downloaded or not and it displays accordingly the appropriate layer in the trail's map preview.
  • Refactor Refactor of TileManager, fixing all huge memory leaks (Ram usage growing and crashing the app when big download), idle/downloading(id) state machine preventing recomputing (blocked on specific download) + background task
  • Feat: User can cancel a pending downloading task,
  • Fix: User is now able to download tiles in a trail view then leave the trail view (visit another trail view for exemple), come back in the original trail view but he can still recover the task and being able to cancel it thanks to a shared TaskManager (before it was the last edge case where the task was lost : after the cancellation the task was still pending due to the loss of the reference after such manipulation, leading to the same memory leak then crash as before as the state was back to Idle but the task still downloading -> so that all the TilesManager refactor guard wouldn't prevent the expensive computations, which explains the memory leak and crash)
  • Feat: Add swissTopo
  • Fix: Improve streaming tiles experience with live streaming bug background tasks to persist tiles (faster, better)
  • Feat: Altitude at userLocation, updated color for user location


  • Feat: Add custompathview to customize path color AND thickness
  • Fix: Add NSLocationUsageDescription for macOS validation + localized info.plist for NSLocationUsageDescription (macOS) and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription (iOS)
  • Chore: Remove useless Surge library and so warnings
  • Fix: Improve sorting in TrailView: default is now by name (alphabetical order) and elevation & distance sorting are now from greatest to smallest, not the contrary
  • Feat: Add trails (GR10) + POIs + filter GR10 feature
  • Fix: Fix UI bottom corner radius glitch in bottomSheets in HomeView
  • Fix: Hide elevations details and elevation graph in TrailDetail when no alt in the GPX


  • Feat: Add search and dynamic filters in TrailView
  • Feat: Add a lock mode to hide tabBar
  • Feat: Add remove layers feature
  • Fix: Empty screen when sidebar on macOS and iPadOS
  • Refactor: Refactor TilesManager with a state for Trail (unknown, notDownloaded, downloading, downloaded) so that it can immediately display the TrailDetailsView screen with unknown state (displaying loading...), trigger async loading, then display the appropriate information


  • Feat: Add Swift Semaphore to manage properly huge download (such as GR10) with batch (by 5) processing instead of getting timeouts
  • Fix: Improve colors management, main tint color switch to green, handling trail colors in dark mode, checkmark for selected color
  • Fix: Fix wrong display of EnabledFiltersView
  • Fix: Fix rows order in TrailDetail, now Display on the map then Custom path at the top
  • Fix: Improve feedbacks with Taptic Engine
  • Fix: Fix headingView bug


  • Feat: Add brand new ImportView to load several GPX at once from Files app, Fitness app or URL via pasteboard
  • Feat: Add brand new UI for TrailView, cleaner, more infos (difficulty, description), improved customization with all colors and new UI
  • Feat: View, sort (by date, distance or duration), filter by distance or activity and import workouts from Apple Health (Fitness app) in WorkoutView
  • Feat: SettingsView with new setting : set the average speed and other options
  • Fix: Fix UI in LayerView, localizables


  • Refactor: : TrailView UI
  • Feat: : sharing GPX files (import and export to another app/device/person)
  • Fix: : not saving Trails if toggle isDisplayedOnMap


  • Feat: : add more than 1600 POIs (peaks, refuges, shops...) with generated icons and remote pictures persisted locally if internet is available to be available offline later during the hike
  • Feat: : in InfoPoiView on the map (bottomSheet), see website and phone number if available, and click and star button if you can collect the POI
  • Feat: : now you can search and filter POIs by categories and sort them by name or altitude
  • Fix: : async computation of the sizes of the layers in Settings (it was freezing if a lot of tiles downloaded)
  • Feat: : filter on the map the POIs you want to display (all, none, refuge, sheld, peak, waterfall)
  • Fix: : Apple Watch imported workouts took the date of the workout, not of the importation, so it was hard to find them in trails sorted by importDate. Now it properly takes the date of importation to be visible at the top of the trails sorted by Date of importation, but you can still know the date of the workout because it's written in the description + fix wrong formatting date display
  • Feat: : Collection feature (collect POIs if you hike close to them)
  • Feat: : you can filter collected POIs as well by categories and sort them by name, altitude or date of collection
  • Feat: : send your user position in Settings and it displays on the recipient's app the sender's location on a detailed IGN map (France only)


  • Feat: : add more POIs (peaks, refuges, lakes, shops...)
  • Feat: : add HRP trails
  • Feat: : elevation graph tap is displayed on the map!
  • Feat: : add option in Settings to clean all visible trails from the map
  • Feat: : add option in Settings to display GR10 and HRP on the map
  • Feat: : the settings you choose (layer type, POI category filter, tracking option) is now saved and used across the whole app!
  • Feat: : new bounding button in the map + zoom/tracking bug fixes
  • Feat: : now you can filter by GR/HR
  • Fix: : bug in Collection not displaying titles in dark mode + collection counter
  • Feat: : add / remove any POI to your collection from the map or the POI list even if you're not there (in case you forgot to add it, more freedom!)
  • Feat: : New more colorful difficulty display for a trail
  • Feat: : Tips (TipKit) for iOS 17 and above
  • Fix: : bug fixes in Flyover 3D Tour: animation starts and stops immediately, appropriate layer is set and then removed

2.2 (current release)

  • Feat: : iCloud Documents sync is here! Never lose your trails or collection even if you uninstall/reinstall the app! Also, there is live syncing between yours apps on different platforms (iOS/iPadOS/macOS).
  • Feat: : add more POIs (peaks, lakes...)
  • Fix: : bug fixes: some wording, icons
  • Fix: : improved navigation in TrailDetailView with a navigationBar, swipe from left gesture is back

2.3 (next release)

  • Feat: : search in maps with Apple Vision text recognition and storing all keywords in iCloud with SwiftData! (maps layers such ad IGN or Open Topo are just images but Vision recognizes text)
  • Feat: : context menu (right click on macOS and long press on iOS & iPadOS) for Trail/Collection/PoiView
  • Feat: : edit collected POI's date & comment
  • Feat: : edit collected POI's gallery! Add photos from library or camera & watch them in fullscreen or delete them (long press on iOS/right clic on macOS) Photos are synced in iCloud.
  • Feat: : add more POIs (camping, shops...) and two more GR10 variants
  • Fix: : bug fixes: some wording, icons
  • Fix: : remove useless fullscreen button in macOS (MapView)
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