REPO (TEMPORARILY?) MOVED: Currently being maintained at - publishing to same npm package!
Tiny framework for building models with the event sourcing pattern (events and snapshots). Unlike Active Record where entity state is persisted on a one-model-per row database format, event sourcing stores all the changes (events) to the entity, rather than just its current state. The current state is derived by loading all events, or a latest snapshot plus subsequent events, and replaying them against the entity.
One large benefit of event sourcing: your data is your audit trail. Zero discrepancies.
For example usage, see the examples and tests.
Sourced makes no assumptions about how you store your events and snapshots. The library is small and tight with only the required functionality to define entities and their logic, enqueue and emit events, and track event state to later be persisted. To actually persist, use one of the following libraries or implement your own:
- sourced-repo-mongo
sourced-repo-couchdb(partially implemented)
const Entity = require('sourced').SourcedEntity;
class Market extends Entity {
constructor(snapshot, events) {
this.orders = [];
this.price = 0;
this.rehydrate(snapshot, events)
init(param) { =;
this.digest('init', param);
this.emit('initialized', param, this);
createOrder(param) {
var total = 0;
this.orders.forEach(function (order) {
total += order.price;
this.price = total / this.orders.length;
this.digest('createOrder', param);
this.emit('done', param, this);
- Entity
{Function} Entity
- EntityError
{Function} EntityError
{Function} Entity
Kind: global class
Requires: module:events
, module:debug
, module:util
, module:lodash
License: MIT
Creates an event-sourced Entity.
Param | Type | Description |
[snapshot] | Object |
A previously saved snapshot of an entity. |
[events] | Array |
An array of events to apply on instantiation. |
Wrapper around the EventEmitter.emit method that adds a condition so events are not fired during replay.
Kind: instance method of Entity
Add events to the queue of events to emit. If called during replay, this method does nothing.
Kind: instance method of Entity
Digest a command with given data.This is called whenever you want to record a command into the events for the entity. If called during replay, this method does nothing.
Kind: instance method of Entity
Param | Type | Description |
method | String |
the name of the method/command you want to digest. |
data | Object |
the data that should be passed to the replay. |
Merge a snapshot onto the entity.
For every property passed in the snapshot, the value is deep-cloned and then merged into the instance through mergeProperty. See mergeProperty for details.
Kind: instance method of Entity
See: Entity.prototype.mergeProperty
Param | Type | Description |
snapshot | Object |
snapshot object. |
Merge a property onto the instance.
Given a name and a value, mergeProperty checks first attempt to find the property in the mergeProperties map using the constructor name as key. If it is found and it is a function, the function is called. If it is NOT found we check if the property is an object. If so, we merge. If not, we simply assign the passed value to the instance.
Kind: instance method of Entity
- mergeProperties
- Entity.mergeProperty
Param | Type | Description |
name | String |
the name of the property being merged. |
value | Object |
the value of the property being merged. |
Replay an array of events onto the instance.
The goal here is to allow application of events without emitting, enqueueing nor digesting the replayed events. This is done by setting this.replaying to true which emit, enqueue and digest check for.
If the method in the event being replayed exists in the instance, we call the mathod with the data in the event and set the version of the instance to the version of the event. If the method is not found, we attempt to parse the constructor to give a more descriptive error.
Kind: instance method of Entity
Param | Type | Description |
events | Array |
an array of events to be replayed. |
Create a snapshot of the current state of the entity instance.
Here the instance's snapshotVersion property is set to the current version, then the instance is deep-cloned and the clone is trimmed of the internal sourced attributes using trimSnapshot and returned.
Kind: instance method of Entity
Remove the internal sourced properties from the passed snapshot.
Snapshots are to contain only entity data properties. This trims all other properties from the snapshot.
Kind: instance method of Entity
See: Entity.prototype.snapshot
Param | Type | Description |
snapshot | Object |
the snapshot to be trimmed. |
Helper function to automatically create a method that calls digest on the param provided. Use it to add methods that automatically call digest.
Kind: static method of Entity
Param | Type | Description |
type | Object |
the entity class to which the method will be added. |
fn | function |
the actual function to be added. |
Entity.digestMethod(Car, function clearSettings (param) {
const self = this;
this.settings.get(, config) => {
config.sources.forEach((source) => {
return this.settings;
Convenience function to store references to functions that should be run when mergin a particular property.
Kind: static method of Entity
See: mergeProperties
Param | Type | Description |
type | Object |
the entity class to which the property->fn belongs to. |
name | String |
the name of the property that holds the fn. |
fn | function |
the function to execute when merging the property. |
function Wheel (status) {
this.status = status;
Wheel.prototype.go = function () {
this.status = 'going';
function Car () { = null;
this.wheel = new Wheel(); // for instantiating our default wheel, when we first 'new' up a Car
Entity.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(Car, Entity);
Entity.mergeProperty(Car, 'interests', function (obj) {
this.wheel = new Wheel(); // for instantiating our wheel from saved values in a database
Kind: global variable Todo
- discuss the use of this so it can be documented better.
Kind: global variable Todo
- discuss the use of this so it can be documented better.
Boolean to prevent emit, enqueue and digest from running during replay.
Holds the version of the latest snapshot for the entity.
Holds the event's timestamp in the entity.
Holds the current version of the entity.
mergeProperties holds a map of entity types to properties.
Kind: global variable See
- Entity.mergeProperty
- Entity.prototype.mergeProperty
{Function} EntityError
Extending native Error.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
msg | String |
The error message. | |
[constr] | Object |
this |
The constructor or instance. |