An MVC web stack written in Fortran 90 (so you get arrays, and it's not punchcards)
Major credit due to:
- authors of FLIBS (Arjen Markus and Michael Baudin)
- Ricolindo Carino and Arjen Markus's Fortran FastCGI program and tutorial - in many ways this started as an update to this tutorial :
- String utils by George Benthian
- Philip Branning for improving and documenting the install process, especially the SQLite parts
- divVerent for fixing a server crash bug due to URL params and SQL
Log in and install dependencies
# update Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# create the user and home directory
adduser fortran --gecos ""
usermod -a -G sudo fortran
# switch to new user
su fortran
cd ~
# install git and clone the repo
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd fortran-machine
sudo ./
Go to your IP address - you should see the "Welcome to nginx!" page
Change the location in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default :
server_name; <- your IP address
location / {
root /home/fortran/fortran-machine;
index index.html;
Restart nginx to make these settings for real:
sudo service nginx restart
You should now see the test page on your IP address.
Test doc
Let's go from test page to Fortran script:
# compile the test server
Now change nginx config /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
location / {
root /home/fortran/fortran-machine;
fastcgi_index index.html;
include fastcgi_params;
Then run sudo service nginx restart
# spawn the server
spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 ./fortran_fcgi
After changing the source code, you can recompile and restart your server with:
Add to nginx config /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
location /static {
root /home/fortran/fortran-machine;
And restart nginx
sudo service nginx restart
The controller is written in Fortran in the fortran_fcgi.f90 file:
case ('/')
! most pages look like this
templatefile = 'template/index.jade'
call jadefile(templatefile, unitNo)
case ('/search')
write(unitNo,AFORMAT) '<div class="container">'
templatefile = 'template/search.jade'
call jadefile(templatefile, unitNo)
write(unitNo,AFORMAT) '</div>'
In the template folder, you can write HTML templates similar to Jade or HAML.
If you want to have a loop or other structure, it's better to create a partial and run the loop in the Fortran controller.
h3 Hello #{name}!
h3 Link
a(href="{id}") A link
You can connect to a SQLite database. The example on lets you search through marsupials!
Here's how the getAllMarsupials subroutine loads data into arrays:
subroutine getAllMarsupials(name, latinName, wikiLink, description)
! columns
character(len=50), dimension(8) :: name, latinName, wikiLink, description
call sqlite3_open('marsupials.sqlite3', db)
allocate( column(4) )
call sqlite3_column_query( column(1), 'name', SQLITE_CHAR )
call sqlite3_column_query( column(2), 'latinName', SQLITE_CHAR )
call sqlite3_column_query( column(3), 'wikiLink', SQLITE_CHAR )
call sqlite3_column_query( column(4), 'description', SQLITE_CHAR )
call sqlite3_prepare_select( db, 'marsupials', column, stmt, "WHERE 1=1 LIMIT 8")
i = 1
call sqlite3_next_row(stmt, column, finished)
if (finished) exit
call sqlite3_get_column(column(1), name(i))
call sqlite3_get_column(column(2), latinName(i))
call sqlite3_get_column(column(3), wikiLink(i))
call sqlite3_get_column(column(4), description(i))
i = i + 1
end do
Then in the Fortran controller, you loop through:
call getAllMarsupials(names, latinNames, wikiLinks, descriptions)
i = 1
pagevars(1,2) = names(i)
pagevars(2,2) = latinNames(i)
pagevars(3,2) = wikiLinks(i)
pagevars(4,2) = descriptions(i)
if (len(trim(pagevars(1,2))) == 0 .or. i == 5) then
! template with string
templatefile = 'template/result.jade'
call jadetemplate(templatefile, unitNo, pagevars)
i = i + 1
Then the individual result template:
a(href="{wikiLink}") #{name}
em #{latinName}
p #{description}
Don't forget to get a free HTTPS Certificate using LetsEncrypt!
This library, like FLIBS which it's based on, is available under the BSD license