A lightweight App that provides all Github Workflows of a Repository in CCTray Specification.
Visibility for your Github Actions & Workflows in one place.
You can use the App to configure CCTray Clients:
- CCMenu
- Nevergreen Dashboard
To authenticate with Github API, the app needs a token
it can be provided by either of the following methods:
- FGPAT (recommended) or PAT
- Read-Only access to Actions (Workflows, workflow runs and artifacts) required for Private repos.
- You will need to set:
as the environment variable.
- Install cctray-auth Github APP to grant Read-Only access to Github Actions on Personal or Organization repositories.
- After installation, you will need to authorize the app and get a Github APP token as described below.
Please take into account the Github API rate limit for authentication tokens.
Github APP grants Read-Only access to repository Metadata & Actions
docker pull ghcr.io/mansab/github-cctray:v4.0.0
docker build -t github-cctray:latest .
docker run -p 8000:8000 \
-e GITHUB_TOKEN="<your_github_token>" \
-e LOGIN_USER="<set_username>" \
-e LOGIN_PASSWORD="<set_password>" \
- Start the container
docker run -p 8000:8000 \
-e LOGIN_USER="<set_username>" \
-e LOGIN_PASSWORD="<set_password>" \
github-cctray:latest --mode app-auth
Obtain the Github APP token by accessing: http://localhost:8000/auth (this will start the authentication process)
Follow the instructions provided in the docker console to activate your device/service & obtain the token.
Restart the docker container with the token obtained in step 3.
docker run -p 8000:8000 \
-e GITHUB_APP_TOKEN="<github_app_token>" \
-e LOGIN_USER="<set_username>" \
-e LOGIN_PASSWORD="<set_password>" \
github-cctray:latest --mode app-auth
Once up, the App binds to port 8000
by default and should be available at: http://localhost:8000
The App accepts GET requests with following parameters:
manadatory parameters
- Organisation or User who owns the repositoryrepo
- Name of the Repository
optional parameter
- If you want to use FGPAT per user to access the API, to overcome Github API rate limiting (this takes precedence over the token/Github App auth set in the env var).
For Example:
- Mandatory Parameters
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000?owner=<repo_owner>&repo=<repository_name>
- Optional Parameter
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000?owner=<repo_owner>&repo=<repository_name&token=<your_github_token>
The above request would return an XML response (CCTray Specification) with all the workflows of a repository, while filtering them to return only Unique & Latest runs:
<Project name="github-cctray/CodeQL" activity="Sleeping" lastBuildStatus="Success" lastBuildTime="2023-05-07T23:22:02Z" webUrl="https://github.com/mansab/github-cctray/actions/runs/4909813101"/>
<Project name="github-cctray/Pylint" activity="Sleeping" lastBuildStatus="Success" lastBuildTime="2023-05-07T23:19:13Z" webUrl="https://github.com/mansab/github-cctray/actions/runs/4909813107"/>
<Project name="github-cctray/TestUnit" activity="Sleeping" lastBuildStatus="Success" lastBuildTime="2023-05-07T23:18:59Z" webUrl="https://github.com/mansab/github-cctray/actions/runs/4909813102"/>
Attributes are returned as follows:
Name | Description | Type |
name | Name of the repository and the workflow | string : repo_name/workflow |
activity | the current state of the project | string enum : Sleeping, Building |
lastBuildStatus | a brief description of the last build | string enum : Success, Failure, Unknown |
lastBuildTime | when the last build occurred | DateTime |
webUrl | Exact URL of the Github Action run for a workflow | string (URL) |
lastBuildLabel | Short commit ID associated with the last workflow run | string : Git SHA (8 char) |
The App has an health endpoint which returns the status and version of the app
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/health
Github has Rate Limiting for their APIs, to check if you are rate limited, use this endpoint
- With token in the environment variable
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/limit
- With token in the query parameter
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/limit?token=<your_github_token>
{"rate_limit":{"limit":5000,"remaining":1724,"reset":1686920826,"reset_cest":"2023-06-16 15:07:06 UTC+02:00+0200","used":3276},"status":"ok"}
- Python 3.9 & onwards [
tested till 3.11.10
] - pip
- Activate Python virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements
cd src
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute
* set necessary env variable to authenticate with Github (see Prerequisites)
* export LOGIN_USER=<user>
* export LOGIN_PASSWORD=<pass>
* python3 app.py --mode [pat-auth|app-auth] # pat-auth is the default mode if no mode is set